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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Username not checking out.
  2. Y’all just just gave half this board a fucking heart attack.
  3. Didn't see it posted anywhere else...B-21 Raider will be unveiled this afternoon/evening in Palmdale.
  4. Yeah but with his injury history, I doubt he'd play in more than 7 games.
  5. Wife's cousin was an OL there 2018-2021, I'll see if I can get any insider info. Carter went 7/120/2 in the Holy Cross game we attended in 2019. /csb
  6. We make this for lobster ravioli, assume it would pair well with crab too. Slams and goes hard. https://biteswithbri.com/lobster-ravioli-sauce/#recipe
  7. If it isn’t called the Wild Johnson, what the fuck are we even doing here?
  8. The Fundamental Lemma of Partial Differentiation. [shudder]
  9. And, does your team captain know how to call a coin toss properly?
  10. HMBL up 23% today. Anyone here still holding that piece of shit?
  11. Not until you can say fuck and shit like a grownup.
  12. Any insider TURV updates regarding the lawsuit? Been watching it sit at .0009 for forever, but the ticker is no longer searchable on CNBC...
  13. Don't care, had Shahi.
  14. Watching the presser live, NBC News did.
  15. First time lawnowner here, bought the Greenworks 80V, brushless DC suite from Costco last summer: self-propelled mower (steel deck!), trimmer, edger, blower, 1x 4Ah battery, 3x 2Ah battery, supercharger, regular charger...something like $1k all-in. Clean, quiet, and easy, no real issues to speak of yet. Echo what everyone else here has said though..go with the max voltage lineup (and brushless DC motors if available) and maintain your schedule. Thick/wet grass will bog down the mower and kill your battery, especially if you bag and/or self-propel. The 4Ah battery is generally enough to mow my entire yard (0.3 acre, minus house), but I've had to swap in a backup once or twice. And like someone mentioned upthread, probably a good idea to store batteries inside.
  16. Anyone have recent, positive experience with a pool builder/remodeler in DFW? My dad wants to convert his hot tub into a lounge deck and re-plaster/tile the rest of the pool, but he’s had trouble getting callbacks for a quote. Hobert did the original install around 20 years ago, FWIW…
  17. Babymoon next month, staying at the Renaissance Historic District for a quick weekend. Any updates on the restaurant recommendations in this thread? Trying to stay ahead of reservations since I'm sure everywhere will be crazy packed...
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