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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. So we're sitting on the couch last night, compiling our Christmas gift shopping list for extended family..she becomes noticeably frustrated about something, so I glance over at her laptop and see a bunch of Frozen-related images on a Google search. There are zero young girls in either of our families, so at this point I have no idea what she's actually looking for. Her: Ugh, what's the name of that record player I bought you? Sven and Olaf Something? Me: [smirking] Bang & Olufsen. Her: Don't laugh, I was close! Me: Yeah, it was a good guess...I'll Let it Go.
  2. I don’t think you read that correctly. Herman is the bitch in this scenario, talking shit to our players who he feels wronged him on his way out.
  3. Her: All six candidates I've submitted to that position have gotten interviews, really awesome that I'm batting a hundred. Me: A thousand, you mean. Her: [confused look] What?? It's impossible to do better than 100%.
  4. Colorado Springs?
  5. My pops is a USAFA grad, just added that midweek (bleh) series to my vacation calendar.
  6. Unlikely...as has been pointed out, that night is Texas-Gonzaga, so Bellmont will aim to avoid viewer conflict.
  7. Would be a real shame if a random gust of wind caught those while the garage door was open and they floated away...
  8. Wife had a complete meltdown, ugly crying in the middle of Macy's because I was being unhelpful with the registry item scanner thingy. I told her it's not that I don't care, it's that either 1) we'll get what she wants, or 2) we'll get what I want and she'll be pissy about it 'til death do us part; so what's the fucking point of me providing input?? And if it was me (engineer) calling the registry shots, we wouldn't have walked into a singular store anyway, wandering around scanning random shelf inventory...you know we'd be at home with a spreadsheet, researching and optimizing all that shit.
  9. With forearms like these, we can't lose. Fuck ou.
  10. Lake Union Hooters, holla! I was there also..my loser friends were at a wedding in Austin, so I didn't make the trip home to Dallas that year.
  11. I'll take two, please.
  12. Agree that the band doesn't get enough airtime, but the original Don't Stop Believin' game was such an organically cool moment (despite the game outcome), it could've easily become a new stadium tradition. Someone posted at the time that Bellmont would undoubtedly ruin it by selling a sponsorship and giving Bob Cole the intro, and sure enough, it's now a forced Disney sing along/karaoke brought to you by Whataburger. Straight trash.
  13. Fuck you, Bob Cole. Seriously, you are the worst.
  14. Ask TG for some, they keep a huge pallet up by the welcome tent.
  15. Modelo and Don Julio. Then obviously some Prosecco and orange juice for all the supermodels who will be there.
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