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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Lots of talk last week about scenario where Texas beat aggy, LSU beat AL, and there was a 4 way tie btw TX AL GA and aggy. Supposedly LSU and aggy would be in SEC champ game based on SEC tiebreaker rules.
  2. I went RALP at 56 (Gleason 3+4) and am back to normal with a little pharma help. Is your Gleason 7 3+4?
  3. You sure you're itemizing tax deductions? Almost a humble brag these days....
  4. IANAE, but I fished a new Romex from existing patio outlet up into the attic, down the wall from the attic to my TV and cut out a piece of brick that was the size of the box. Don't know the term for the wood header in the attic but I had to drill two new holes down through the wood at the top of the wall. It was really tight in the attic that close to the end of the roof and it was a pita, but you don't want exposed conduit.
  5. Urologist also ran a more "advanced" PSA test (4K PSA test) and evaluated results before my MRI. You going right to MRI? You at the VA or in Canada or some shit?
  6. No need to worry yet. Elevated PSA could be from biking/exercise/sex within a couple days of the test or an infection. Did you take a course of antibiotics and retest PSA? You're youngish for PC so if there are any issues you prolly caught them early GL!
  7. Kid got a job at Smoothie King at 15 and it turned out great. It was a lot of work because they were always short staffed. They were always looking for people.
  8. Weed is stonk, right? Where y'all at on stuff like (in order is stonk-ness?) - $CNBS $IIPR $TSNDF $CURLF $GTBIF $CNTMF $JUSHF Are things like Schedule III, SafeBanking, PA use, Germany opening up, etc. already "baked" in?
  9. "boosters" or '23-'24 version on the mRNA vaccines? I assume it would be bigger news if the new vaccine wasn't working. "boosters" or '23-'24 version on the mRNA vaccines? I assume it would be bigger news if the new vaccine wasn't working.
  10. Good luck with that
  11. Gotta be a trap, right?
  12. Anyone willing to explain why Meatchicken is favored by 2.5?
  13. The "Mighty Fine Salamander Bowl"
  14. No. UTSW used multi-port.
  15. Yes- great to hear! Congratulations and good luck in further recovery!
  16. Two weeks after prostatectomy, Dr. prescribed tadalafil 5 mg (Cialis) daily until I want a boner-then to munch like 5 or 6. No E.D. or prostate symptoms before surgery. Y'all know if that is pretty routine recovery protocol?
  17. My book has it at -32 though.
  18. To be more helpful - all this started for me because at 56 I had a 4.79 PSA at physical in April with no prostate/ED symptoms and a passed digital rectal exam. Take advantage of any early warning signs you are given.
  19. Thx. I am 2 days behind Hate in the process so 48 hrs without catheter. Learning how to hold my piss again. Random nasty bruises showed up yesterday around my laparoscopy scars and my abs are still burn pretty bad from the surgery but I am otherwise feeling pretty normal. I lift brah, but can't imagine being able to get back into the gym for months. Haven't talked to surgeon but pathology report posted and is great-clean surgical margins, no extension outside the prostate, no change in tumor grade, and lots of nodes removed and all negative. Focusing on bladder control and gauging E.D. consequences. Almost reluctant to post any complaints when so many here are bravely battling, but that is the nature of prostate cancer/early detection these days. It really pays to keep up with annual physicals and PSA test follow-ups. If you get a chance to catch it early-take it and just work through the steps.
  20. Was the spot reviewable? I honestly don't know but uh had 1 time out left.
  21. I'll pm you since this isn't SSS
  22. UTSW. They ended up taking my lymph nodes and said they had to do some major nerve reconstruction, so it sounds like I really got the business compared to you.
  23. Wow that's great. I'm still taking 4 tramadol a day for the searing pain in my ab muscles from incisions.
  24. @Hate - have you taken a shit yet? My prostatectomy was Wednesday and I am backed up like a beast because of the opioids...
  25. Anyone remember how bad McCarthy's first vote was?
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