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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Heard from friend in Dallas that they didn't lose power because they were on same grid as W. Do y'all think that vip, SS, etc. rate that much when ERCOT is shuttin' grids down?
  2. Pool is set to run 24/7 in freezing temps, but our first power outage was long enough to freeze pipes/pump. I didn't think to kill breaker and once power returned, I think the pump burned out. Hard to believe there isn't some failsafe for a modern pump to stop if water is frozen, but it looks and smells fried. Pulled heater, polaris, pump, and filter drain plugs for when it thaws, but I haven't even looked at skimmers or tile line yet.
  3. Worried about prolonged deep freeze in Zone 8a. Haven't had freeze problems for years, but pittosporums died in a bad freeze 8 or so years back, so I'll cover and maybe heat them with Christmas bulbs. Four straight days of freezing temps and high of 17 predicted Monday. Should I worry about established encore azaleas or pinkie dwarf indian hawthorns beyond heavily mulching?
  4. Dandy Dannie Goeb seems excessively outraged...
  5. Driven by 100 times on my way to Luna Vista/LB Houston and always wondered what creation research was and why it needed an institute. They have a very nice campus in a really shitty part of Dallas.
  6. Anyone hear the backstory about this Plano East kid?
  7. Saw that. Did he run? Get his ass beat? Standoff? Nm. Saw this:
  8. Anyone know how it ended? I gave up at 2:30 central.
  9. Giving up on trying to imbed the mac tonight moon man who looks like this broad. Just trust me.
  10. Already set up a Webull account and am awaiting approval. I'll transfer shares held by Robinhood as soon as I can.
  11. Tangent, but is it true that there are only 55 houses for sale under $1M?
  12. AMC sounds like a trap-everyone is being waaaay too obvious about it. Unless this has created a new system of flashmob pump n dumps...
  13. Any of y'all day traders worried about reporting thousands of transaction on your return? I pretty much only actively trade a small IRA because I don't want to deal with the Sch D hassle.
  14. I had to fax a response to the IRS last year and it cost me $24 at FedEx store.
  15. I wonder if she has any kids-oh, nevermind she told us several times even though we don't give a shit. Also...
  16. Don't private school kids transfer to DISD for 12th because of the 6% rule, or is that a myth?
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