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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Interesting idea of weighing bridges down. Also shows how much faith they have in their bridge construction quality.
  2. Prepare to "spring forward" .06 microseconds if the dam blows.. "When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly. This is the same principle behind why figure skaters tuck in their arms to spin faster. NASA has calculated that the dam only slows the rotation by 0.06 microseconds, which is six hundredths of a millionth of a second." https://www.kinetica.co.uk/2014/03/27/chinese-dam-slows-down-earths-rotation/
  3. Livestream apparently:
  4. 200mm ...whatever that is.
  5. Hanging strap for punching bag?
  6. Holy shit. Article says Krucial is run by Zina Bash's dad. No CR, but THIS Zina Bash:
  7. This indicates that several less prominent dams upstream are going to be the problem for three gorges: Aren't the Chicoms building a canal in central america? They could end up accidentally draining the Caribbean Sea....
  8. Charged her with "improper use of a horn" after HE went "HONK" "HONK"??
  9. 3 times during the ms13 comments. 3 more times... ""It's like central casting... It's like central casting... It's like central casting."
  10. AND a completely FAKE phd, and paid commercial huckster for MAGA pain relief gels on FN.
  11. Fox News just teased that Lou Holtz is gonna be on Bill Hemmer (2p-3p) to tell us "izzz foootsspalll onz orf offffsch", FYI.
  12. "At the beach at Waikiki, that's where you'll find me Here on the southside, Beach Boys paradise Duke's on Sunday"
  13. Find rent house that is not registered and use owners name. Had one for a while through the rent house next door (ha) under the real (out of state) owners name. Didn't know about the postcard thing but it went through. Maybe renters ignored it or didn't spaz b/c name matched the owner. ND did eventually shut it down once I started obvious troll posts.
  14. Surprised it didn't turn out better
  15. Think backdoor roth is method to get around roth income limits. Prob here is the "coverage under other retirement plan" limitation that should also preclude any type of roth (inc backdoor iirc).
  16. Not eligible for trad ira, not eligible for roth. Whoever said nondeductible is correct, but you'll need to amend.
  17. Is Stone gonna drop his appeal? I assume his request for a new trial has been denied, or could his appeal end up in a new trial? It would be sweet if he could be convicted again.
  18. Parking gonna suuuuuuck this year with construction. Also, Northernmost 1/4th of LBJ says rideshare lot. Is that new?
  19. No opinion, just that Cowboyz had a chance to get it over with before the most recent round of "record" signings. Good for KC though.
  20. Did Jurrah shit a brick this afternoon?
  21. I get the hate on polaris 280 because it is always there, but don't robotic cleaners have to be put in to clean and then taken out and stored? My 280 runs a couple of times a day and I only have to empty the bag once a week. What advantages are there to robotic cleaners?
  22. Microwave, cable tv. -old guy
  23. I am. Knew $150 was the number to sell at, but 130 is better than 110.
  24. I'm about done with bynd... (for now)
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