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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. woohorn

    Tiger King

    On the tour, Mr. Exotic said he created the park because his late brother had always wanted to travel to Africa. Also talked about "rescue" and "refuge" a lot, but bragged about their liger breeding program. Nothing made sense.
  2. Good info. Any idea where the penalties come from? For example, the Dallas Cty ord doesn't list any consequences for violations, but news stated violators could be fined up to $2,500 per offense.
  3. Didn't Apple (or Starbucks??) just announce one?
  4. I'm counting on a bump when Congress passes the "cash payment" Bill. Y'all figure it is/will be already baked in to the market?
  5. I'd put it in my sports betting account and have it doubled in no time.
  6. We're a week in to something that is going to last months. Most haven't missed a paycheck. Some won't miss any pay. Who knows because it is premature to just borrow to give every american a random amount without regard for need.
  7. NOT too late to get a chunk into MM accounts. I moved all 529s last week because those have much less time to recover (age dependent). Also moved a rollover ira into MM for less total equity exposure across all my retirement accounts. How do you think Christmas will go this year? If you believe fundamentals matter at all anymore, this market is going to suck until q2 2021. Dow is about 21,100 right now, fyi as a reference for posterity...
  8. Terrible, premature, etc., but I figure that $1,000/per will will get added into the current Bill because,...why the hell not?
  9. You don't have enough. You NEVER have enough!
  10. I figure the worst and I want to get out pf equity funds until after eoy. In a mutual find enviroment,what are y'all waiting it out in? Bonds? I would be happy sitting in cash, but my guy is trying to push bond funds...
  11. How the hell is ted cruz on day 13 of his self-quarantine?
  12. Does South Austin's mom count as a poster? Last time I saw her she was moaning about a "stabbing feeling in her lower lung". Sounds suspicious.
  13. Are we all going to ignore the fact that Executive Branch officials are talking about mandatory paid sick leave and welfare payments to unemployed? We can't even raise the national min wage...
  14. jr. loses any argument about who benefited more. Exhibit A:
  15. They shouldn't have done it to their elders. Maybe you can be the one to break the cycle...
  16. I am looking at first Jeep. Ya'll know of any problems with 2018 Grand Cherokee Altitude 4x4s? Is the 4x4 always on like AWD or is it different?
  17. All you international (inc. Canada/Mexico) travelers- Your main risk is that the US government will halt travel/border crossings on a whim (no CR). Main risk is getting back in.
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