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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Disney or a cruise. SPI was my go to when kids were young. The nicer condos don't rent to kids on Spring break so all we were affected by was traffic really. Lots for kids to do.
  2. So Benczkowski lied to Congress...
  3. 1) Commissioners (developers) overpay for land ripe for development 2) Project scrapped/downsized by future Comminisioners 3) Land sold at huge loss to former Commissioners for development 4) ??? 5) Profit
  4. How many in Houston (and KC I think) test market have tried MD's crispy chicken sand? I had a couple and liked the buttered bun better than the chicken. Popeyes > Chick-fil-A > MD's
  5. The black guy is Drake. It's Drakeposting. It's a meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/drakeposting
  6. Damn, Laura Ingraham gonna be called to testify at The Hague...
  7. Heard it was part of a carrier group. How many ships is that-6? Really crazy to fuck with that group.
  8. Any guess why JMU #3 fair caught that kickoff at the 9 with nobody around him? Some FCS rule? NM- I see ball came out to 25.
  9. His Rabbi warned him at Temple last Sat to look for it.
  10. Don't Trumpers claim that he can declassify anything at any time and by blabbing classified info, it is declassified so he is not in any trouble?
  11. Fuckin luv the pirate eye patch on the mascot...
  12. There are some leaked topless picks of her in white bikini, but not much more than a nipslip.
  13. Damn. I initially read that as open tryout. I was about to go stretch when I realized I misread it.
  14. Paltrow needs the lemon flavor to get rid of the taste of Weinstein's dik.
  15. Someone reported last night that 4 of the missiles "failed in flight". Anyone seen more reporting on that? If that was 4 out of 12, it isn't quite as impressive.
  16. Gloria's for Mexican or tons of stuff just West of that in Addison. Hell, meet up at Twin Peaks and ya'll can both get laid!
  17. It's Jan 7th. Anyone think we are still on track to sign "86 page" "phase one trade deal with China" on Jan 15th?
  18. Didn't someone on TOS explain once that all the OG KTCK guys were multimillionaires? Good on him that he can take it easy while he is healthy.
  19. Ha! "Only The best generals.. straight out of Central casting.."
  20. Drop a couple of gopher gassers under the shed and cover the hole up. https://www.domyown.com/amdro-gopher-gassers-p-8668.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4fe5hMPv5gIVZf7jBx37HQKKEAQYCCABEgIXefD_BwE
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