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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Tweet made me think of this thread. Anyone ever see this irl?
  2. U left off key words from ur quote ""DESIGNED... OR used primarily for the transportation of persons for compensation" UR bus WAS designed to be a bus. Drink up, brah!
  3. Isn't he a mooslim? They allowed to partake?
  4. Single in Sec 26, row 62 for $200 is all I get now.
  5. Hope he invested all of that autograph money.
  6. Promises made, promises kept (eventually, but only if...)
  7. I LOVE the small kite idea-esp once you add some weight to it. Sounds legit. Have you tried one of these?
  8. I'm gonna find out when I sell my seats and parking to the LSU game...
  9. Her info on Ohio wasn't very accurate. According to pd chief press conference, sis and pal were shot in street a ways from car after spree had started and friend not dead. Looks like she throws a lot of shit out there without vetting, fwiw.
  10. Can we all at least agree that multiples of an item only count as one? /ducks/
  11. I'm a little more concerned that the police have resources to set up break room cameras.
  12. No pics to put a face to the name? NM, I think I know what she looks like.
  13. Nope. Sunflower pin for law, but nothing for all my other Texas degrees.
  14. I don't know if I'd even want to be on a Max ferry flight, but it seems counter productive to make it fly longer...
  15. Is that just some weak ass humblebrag that you were a student athlete? Identifying pins and such for adults sounds pretty aggy/maga.
  16. I'll take it as long as I can go up and get 83 units outta it. Zoning?
  17. They probably screwed with customs pretty bad.
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