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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Nope. They all hump like rabbits. Been to a public park lately?
  2. Title is misleading if she didn't resign as Judge (as she should).
  3. Didn't the xfit thread on tos have pics of hot fit chicks?
  4. Thought US military at border wouldn't be armed. Has that changed?
  5. GD millennials always have to make it about themselves.
  6. Change orders about the smallest, stupidest stuff will drive you crazy in lots of fixed price deals. I've had to bring in specialists to fix/take over tasks and that is pretty easy in fixed price tho. I doubt cost+ lets you bring in your own guys/supplies without hassling about the mark-up. It really depends on how unique your project is.
  7. No tipping tbread here yet, but what is the going rate for finding/delivering a lost wallet these days?
  8. If you find a wallet in a grocery store cart/p-lot, you return it to customer service unless store is closed (HEB). Scam.
  9. Sounds like 25% off at Fry's (from Slickdeals): "Fry's has Email Exclusive: Bug-A-Salt 2.0 Pest Eradication Device on sale for $29.95 when you apply your unique Email Promo Code (sign-up for future promo code deals here). Select free in-store pickup where available."
  10. I don't control my next door neighbors, but I don't nark to their mortgage holder when I have a beef (I know about the other neighbor thread). I have renters next door and I talk to them all the time about their trash, dogs, etc. I can't imagine writing the owners (I have known for years) when I want to say something to the dude NEXT DOOR.
  11. All I can think about is the "OHSHIT!!!" moment the CNN schlub had when they pulled the pipe bomb from the envelope.
  12. Neighbor is a bitch for ratting instead of just talking to the renters directly. I don't understand why people are so afraid of just speaking to their neighbors.
  13. CNN, Clintons, Soros-so it sounds pretty random. Let's just say that I wouldn't want to be Dr. Ford's doorman.
  14. Rumors 4sur, but they have my attention: "the details (again which I will not get into) are horrific and disgusting. I get fans want Bobby gone, but the cause (which I should note isn’t anything NCAA related) is nothing to celebrate."
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