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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Kush wants that prime upper eastside real estate.
  2. I can't imagine Houston being 7 degrees hotter in the summer, but I guess with sea level rise I won't have too.
  3. Boof is derived from bu-fu (boo-foo), which comes from BUtt FUck. There is no logical connection to any slang term for flatulence that I have seen. Devil's Triangle uses "devil" because it is unholy. Triangle because 3some. Why would quarters with 3 glasses be devilish? My joke is that it is a specific variant of quarters that uses 2 shot glasses from the Empire State Building gift shop and one souvenir glass from Carlbad Caverns. Get it??? I doubt some segregated prep school of 500 was able to develop widely known slang of its own. Occam's razor. His lie in his opening statement was actually better. He said the dorks on yearbook wanted to sound cool after watching Animal House/Fast Times, so they just made up a bunch of cool comments. Huge lie too, but more believable than farts and quarters.
  4. So sorry to hear that and we understand. Thank you. Oh, just 2 quick questions tho- What do "boof" and "devils triangle" mean?
  5. I don't get the drama. I buy a used book for $1 that turns out to be a rare 1st edition. That bitch is mine. I buy a dresser that has gold in it. The seller is a dumbass. The gold is mine.
  6. Crazy Rudy thinks he voted on Sotormayor and Kagen.
  7. My guess is that the flight anxiety qs have something to do with the polygraph results (in addition to the bad faith/motive/delay arg). First the hotel room was too comfortable for proper polygraph setting. Now it will be too close to a traumatic experience (flying to funeral/funeral).
  8. Yeah, I see now that it was early June. Thx.
  9. Anyone know what Beach Week is- like Spring Break, or more of a commercial festival like ACL?
  10. Y'all are very funny, but Judge Jeanine IS a former sex-crimes prosecutor...
  11. You need to restrict premissions on your grindr app.
  12. Have a Kitchen Aid Supurba that has held up for 12 or so years with no maint. It was sorta "big-box high end" when I got it, but IDK anything about how they are made today. GL!
  13. Thought Kennedy "fixed" it so it would be Kavanaugh?
  14. Wat? Left off my twitter link (nm if it doesn't work now):
  15. How'd he get the floorplan of a private residence? Dude needs a hobby.
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