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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Some of them are here but I don't see The Open one: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news
  2. First tiktok I got after reading this thread was for fuselenses lense replacements...
  3. Isn't that just landscape fabric or do they claim to have treated it with something?
  4. Read in another report that this settlement was only for former scouts who are now 60 yo and older, so there are other cases going on.
  5. Doesn't sound like enough: ""You're talking about clients who, in some cases, were anally raped for years that are now supposed to get payouts of $3,500 ... maybe $5,000," " Why so much art? "The group's total assets top $1 billion and including massive tracts of land around the country, extensive holdings and financial investments, and fine art valued at $59 million according to court documents."
  6. Are you talking about moving today or moving in the future?
  7. Slightly OT, but why the fuck would federal government pay all costs for the first 30 days of this local building collapse? Is the pro-israel lobby really THAT powerful?
  8. Love that he had to say "what's that" when he heard "cognitive test".
  9. I can't believe that lot will be used for anything other than a memorial park in the future.
  10. What's the story about NC St. trashing a hotel room? I just caught the end of the discussion on ESPNU radio.
  11. I am going to assume you are not Team Coco...
  12. Competing program on the deuce?
  13. I figure auto manufactures always overcorrect so prices should plummet in 2022.
  14. Any idea what the SEZ Field Club, Living Room Box, or Loge Box ticket/seat gifts run? The pricing info online just says "Call The Longhorn Foundation for Availability"...
  15. So he wants to be in it? Man, was he just born to be in it?
  16. My biggest problem with oaks is the shade. Pool is too cold in summer and have to use a floating bubble cover to reduce heat loss at night. Your cover prevents that, but you may have enough direct sun. Leaves are a pain for 2 weeks and pollen is rough for 2 or 3 but manageable if you keep up with it. Thought those full mechanical covers were to save kids. Also what happens to rain?
  17. Hope it's not anything like what TCU went through in 2012.
  18. President of University of South Carolina has resigned following a tumultuous weekend in which he plagiarized parts of his speech (from Admiral McRaven) and uttered “University of California” during his commencement address. This comes barely a month after infuriating the school's largest donor by failing to acknowledge the death of her mother. He was apparently widely disliked by most students/faculty who were just waiting for him to fuck around so he'd find out... Copying McRaven: Wrong USC:
  19. I managed to watch the whole thing and couldn't believe all the elitist hanger and rural Malibu imagery. She was also waaay too flippant. Her "rural" Malibu mansion was saved from the wildfires because her illegal immigrant gardeners kept her sprawling garden in order? I predict she pulls out before actual election.
  20. Is this a joke? 40+20=60 7+8=15 60+15=75
  21. Shut up Meg. .
  22. Lost my long-held Navy parking last season even with diminished cap. I can't imagine how low I am going to get dropped now. I can't handle parking with the poors-the door dings alone...
  23. WTF? Last year was less than half capacity w construction. This year should be close to full capacity with construction. Parking this year is going to really fucking suck this year. Maybe you are just going to have to trust me on this one, sport.
  24. Moody Center construction.
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