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Certifiably Surly
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About NameAlreadyInUse

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  1. Sorry, I thought we were being more discreet.
  2. Is that the story, Knowles is chasing tail to Norman? Is this a stalking situation? Is this a future domestic disturbance to embarrass the program situation? I'm here for all of it, the messier the better!
  3. I'm not reading this whole thread right now, but if someone else hasn't mentioned it yet:
  4. I got sidetracked and didn't finish reading all the responses, but 2 things I'd absolutely do. 1. Help her find a private teacher that she enjoys working with. She'll lose interest if she ends up with a teacher she doesn't like working with. Don't be afraid to try more than one if you need to to keep her excited. 2. Encourage her love of music in general. As an example, let her pick music for y'all to listen to while you eat dinner, encourage her to expand her musical horizons when she's picking, and talk about the music with her when you hear a song you especially like or don't like and encourage her to develop her own opinions about all kinds of music as well. If you do those 2 things, you'll help her instill a life long love of music and a new level of discipline to pick up new skills, even if she eventually decides that playing music isn't for her any longer.
  5. Way back in the day, this would've been when the AAS was still running a message board, I did some work on a fan site and what I did was tape all the games, then used a video capture thingy connected to my vcr and my computer to put shitty little clips up of game highlights. There was one game that was super shitty and we lost, and I updated that I wasn't planning to make videos for that game unless I got a bunch of requests from the readers. I only got 1 request, but it was from Ricky Williams, or at least someone who had access to his utexas email address. Even back then, the players were looking at this stuff.
  6. He is that guy. He's just now that guy for Cougar High.
  7. Only thing that gets us more consistently fired up is laying pipe.
  8. Oh, damn, whatever will we do, most fans think OSU will score enough from there.....
  9. Meat Pimp is the coach of that team now. It's a shame he's not included in the pictures anymore.
  10. I mean on the one hand that's pretty hilarious, but on the other Sideshow Bert can't leave fast enough for my liking and he is #1 in FG's for Texas all time. I didn't watch enough of aggy this year to know if they were dealing with a Bert situation or just a sour grapes situation here.
  11. Given the choice of jerking off or fucking with a condominium, what sane person says “nah, I’ll just fuck my hand.” Also, in sooner land can one be impregnated orally? That seems like another obvious choice. And that’s not even acknowledging the butt stuff….
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