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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. I think sedition qualifies as one of the most heinous crimes.
  2. And what "behavior" was that supposed to have been?
  3. Before I hit play, I assumed that the problem was with the guy doing the Castro cosplay on the left. That's not at all what I was expecting to hear.
  4. yeah that's the spoils of war, Tucker producer. You shouldn't have been out there slinging propaganda if you were worried about a future career. Fuck off and starve for all I care.
  5. They've already banned the out gay teachers. They aren't allowed to have pictures of their S/O's on their desk or mention in any way that they are on the rainbow spectrum. You can be a gay teacher in Florida, but you must stay in the closet to do so.
  6. Meanwhile, Texas is in the bottom 10 of the country in the number of babies that get circumcised. We only cut off part of the dicks of half the male babies born here. So to be clear we aren't against genital mutilation in Texas, or even putting knives on dicks. It's only certain types of genital surgeries that are supposed to be off limits. So even the MAGA way of describing it doesn't get to the heart of why they are against it, because I bet 90% of their male children were circumcised when they were babies.
  7. DeSantis won't be able to pay up on that bet, because he's made sure all the fruit pickers left the state.
  8. Why? My experience is this group loudly proclaims they are patriotic while doing just the opposite. Back then, the patriotic thing to do was to help protect your neighbors by wearing a face covering, so of course they weren't going to do that. Also, back then the patriotic thing to do was to honor the results of the election, and obviously they weren't going to do that either. These people are not patriots and they take every opportunity they can to prove it.
  9. The most shameless defense of unethical behavior I think I've ever seen: So tell me how Clarence Thomas is the legal guardian of a child (from 6 years old) who is both less fortunate and at risk. Make that make sense to me.
  10. I don't know how you set up a PAC and then complain about dark money.
  11. I'm not giving a single dollar to someone who can't get more descript in what they stand for than "Smart people with common sense." What would this PAC stand for explicitly?
  12. Yep. I used to be included in FWD FWD FWD chains from my mom. When I started pointing out the inaccuracies in those FWD FWD FWD chains, she didn't change her mind, she just stopped including me in them. This sums up my experience with trying to change the minds of 99% of the people on the right. They don't care about truth, they care about narrative. If you can tell a good enough story, you can be completely fact free and will be considered a truth teller. Is the PAC hiring security for these super smart people? Because we're seeing more and more people like you describe leave politics because they are tired of fielding the threats of violence against them and their families.
  13. I'm convinced you can't become a fascist unless you start out as a snowflake. So @BevoAbyss, I think both terms are correct.
  14. Yeah I didn't get to pick the word fag either, so we both have that going for us, which is nice.
  15. I said it in the other thread, but what she's really saying is that since she was a failure as a parent, she wants the government to fix it for her, and if that means a bunch of dead kids, including hers, she's perfectly ok with that. And she thinks she's a failure because she has a trans kid. She doesn't realize that the failure is her inability to accept the reality of that situation. These people's brains are broken.
  16. What the fuck does 3.14159265359 have to do with this? It's not March!
  17. Are they fucking kidding with us right now? WTF
  18. But what she's actually saying is "I'd prefer a shit ton of kids kill themselves if it keeps my daughter from transitioning." Let's be honest here.
  19. Not to stereotype or anything, but this Don't say gay stuff is starting to make a whole lot more sense.
  20. If he's a hardcore southern baptist he shouldn't be drinking at all, or standing around other people that are drinking. Motherfucker is breaking one of the Baptist commandments.
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