But I'm confused why you were saying that you didn't say it, when you were able to remember you said it just fine in response to my post. No one had to even go looking for it, because you repeated it for us all.
And yes, lots of people change their minds when a thing hits them closely enough. Seeing as how you were saying a few posts after mine that you looked forward to your grandchildren arguing with other people's grandchildren about this same issue, I think I'm pretty clear that your position is that nothing should change. Which just means it hasn't gotten close enough to you yet. Some of us have to burn our hands on the stove, first, I guess.
I hope that you find the place to compromise before your kid's get shot or before you lose the protection in government that's keeping you where you are now. One of those two things is likely to happen, and neither of them will be good for you.
Finally, I'm not 100% sure that I've even stated my position on this topic, aside from the idea that absolutists need to be ready to not be absolutists before they lose power, because they won't like the outcome if they weren't willing to work in good faith with the people who are out of power. I have guns sitting downstairs in my closet right now, in fact, so I'm pretty sure that whatever position you think I have, you are incorrect.