Yeah I just read about a restaurant owner in Northern Ireland who had someone go on Facebook and claim that there were gay orgies going on in the restaurant while it was being remodeled. The restaurant owner ended up having to close up shop. So, I guess the moral of the story is that it doesn’t matter what you do, if someone is up to something nefarious, you could suffer some pretty serious consequences as collateral damage. That sucks, for sure. But what you are asking for is a situation where no one could act nefariously before you’d even consider an alternative to continuous mass shootings. The problem is, if no one could act nefariously we wouldn’t be having mass shootings to begin with.
what it comes down to is that if you want to have unfettered access to a resource, you also have a responsibility to make sure that you are a proper steward of that resource, and that means in this case you help people figure out how to keep as many guns out of the hands of people who won’t use that resource wisely. If you aren’t doing that, you are part of the problem.