No, it's not lazy, it's life experience. You are claiming I'm lazy without ever considering that I might have a different experience than you, that I might have done a ton of research on this in my own quest to deal with the fact that I too believed all that shit and was gay despite it. You are claiming that I didn't spend 10 years in this in-between space where I knew I wasn't straight but I couldn't possibly allow myself to be gay. I lived that, and I lived it because all the people I grew up with were Christian. My parents are Christian. They were saying the same things then that they are saying now about gays. And it's the same things that the Republicans were then and are now saying.
So no. You don't get to assign laziness to me, assign a lack of reality to me because you don't happen to like some of the people you've decided to share a label with. It simply does not work that way, and you can fuck off if you are going to keep finding different ways to blame me for you sharing a label with a bunch of reprobates. I didn't choose that for you, you did. Own it, motherfucker and shut the fuck up about it, or get busy yelling it from the rooftops that those people aren't the real Christians and run them the fuck away from the label. Either way, don't you dare for another second pretend to understand why I have come to the conclusions I've come to and assign a lack of intellectual curiosity, laziness, or whatever else you are thinking.