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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Not sure if I told this story or not, but my uncle was a successful business man. Started his career in law enforcement, figured out he hated it and started selling cars. By the time he died he owned a few dealerships. That last time I had a real conversation with him was when we were outside of the hospital where we were pretty sure his dad was getting ready to die after a years long battle with cancer, this was in the early 2000's. The reason it was our last conversation is that he told me that he hoped he got a terminal illness like his dad, because then he'd have nothing to lose, and he had a list of judges he was going to go shoot. It was all the activist judges, on the left, obviously. That was a fun conversation. I'm happy to report he died suddenly of a stroke a few years later, and never did get to fulfill his bloodlust by killing off judges, so we have that going for us. But what I've always wondered is, if people who were comfortably wealthy and had everything going for them are having fantasies about going on shooting rampages against people who politically disagree with them, how bad would it get if the truly disaffected started to take action against people they perceive to have wronged them. And I think we're really getting into what that looks like now. At some point the disaffected are going to lose steam and go back to being disaffected, I suspect, we just have to figure out how to live through it.
  2. British citizens were armed. With weapons that could super efficiently fire 4 bullets per minute!
  3. Fatty, for real, I don't know what point you think you are making but it isn't landing. Either change the way you are talking about this or shut the fuck up already. Your messaging is fucked at the moment. Unfuck it or move on to another topic.
  4. They do not care what you think. They Do. Not. Care. I won't waste my breath calling them because we could be unanimous that guns are bad, and they would not change a thing, because they know who is paying them to hold those positions. The only thing we can realistically do is work towards getting candidates that can beat them and then vote the motherfuckers out. That's it. Talking to them will not change a thing.
  5. Welp. We had a good run. Guess it's time to wrap it up. Too many people are going through life too fact free for us to survive this.
  6. It’s like your house has sprung a leak and you call the electrician to waterproof the wiring to solve the problem.
  7. Saying every word is true by definition proves he hasn’t read it. The very first book has two different origin stories that contradict each other. How can they both be true?
  8. To be honest I had forgotten they were a thing and didn't think of them at all. having them tied back to the proud boys is pretty on brand though.
  9. Hate that you are going through this, and hate even more how little information is still available about what the right MEDICAL answer is here. Hope you recover quickly Nivek!
  10. Super simple answer. Way too many Republicans in Congress. Right now, today, I could get fired from my job because my employer decided he didn't want to have any gays on staff. That would be legal. You don't have to go back that far in our history to see when our government used to work their ass off to root out all the gays working for the feds and fire them when they found them. Didn't matter if they were an astrophysicist or a janitor or an FBI agent, either. Out the door they went. It's the reason so many people are still today in the closet at work. It's why I was in the closet at work until my husband was safely on a green card and couldn't be deported because of our relationship. There's a mental calculus that all gay people who work for someone else have to go through, every day. We have to come out over and over and over again, and we never know for sure, when we come out to the latest person, if everything will be fine or if it will change the way we are perceived. It's fucking exhausting all by itself, and it's only exacerbated by the fact that our government not only won't protect us, but periodically decides to flat out target us.
  11. Nothing in law at a federal level prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation. Most states have not passed such a law either.
  12. Eh, my first thought was I need your game. I'd pay a lot to test positive if it meant I could skip a family reunion.
  13. The only one in that group that can put a sentence together is going to lose. Because she is actually speaking the truth. Think about that.
  14. Wait, proud boys came from Opie and Anthony. Another reason that show sucked.
  15. So Priscilla Queen of the Desert was a great show, but they basically just had a bunch of disco hits and gay anthems playing through the show. And Avenue Q was great because they created the song The Internet is for Porn. I have unfortunately been to a lot more shows than that and have discovered that this style of entertainment is not my thing. That being said, every once in awhile a song will come out of a show that I actually like. The real problem with musicals is that they are like most albums. Usually 0-1 songs are good, sometimes 2 or 3 or good, but it's super super rare to get a whole show filled with good music. I find myself wanting to hit the fast forward button to the next song about 75% of the time when I'm stuck in the auditorium. PQotD worked for me because the set was clever and it was basically a greatest hits album. It doesn't help that I am one of those that hears the melody of the voices rather than the words, so I might have to hear a song 20 times before I actually ever really hear the lyrics and understand what they are talking about. This makes musicals pretty fucking infuriating to sit through, because it is hard to follow the story and most of the songs in any given show are trash even if there happens to be a banger thrown into the mix.
  16. I mean what stable genius that you know of has never tried to physically attack their driver and wrest control a car when they weren't in the driver's seat?
  17. He may have truly believed it. But I can show evidence that he only ever truly believed it when he won. He always claimed before and after any election he lost that it was rigged. He cried wolf every fucking time. He was disabused of that belief from his most senior advisors who knew it was not true, and if he continued to believe it after that point, that's on him. His belief, I think, quits being important when you can point to a string of past beliefs that show he's just essentially a sore loser on the one hand, and on the other, when you can show that people in a position to know, told him his belief was incorrect. That tells me that #1, he doesn't truly believe it and it's all an act, or #2, he's a buffoon who was never suited for the office (or both). Actually, it's just both. I don't think there are many people left in the world who don't wear Republican pompoms who would disagree that it's both.
  18. Also, let's not forget the fact that the justification from Alito on that one was that people are just going to ignore the law, so we shouldn't have the law. Based on what I'm seeing on LinkedIn today, lots of companies are not only going to ignore the law, they are going to aid and abet their female employees to travel for an abortion when necessary. So why doesn't the same logic hold here? I mean those two decisions were decided 1 day apart. This is not about the rule of law. Alito's back to back opinions remove any doubt.
  19. Some of them maybe are just dumb people and want it because it's free. But some of those ought to be under a microscope, because they wouldn't be asking if they weren't aware of something illegal enough to go to jail that they've done in their past.
  20. Well and also, isn't Alito basically saying, "Why do we have laws at all, after all, if someone wants to do something, having a law against it isn't going to make them stop." I wouldn't have taken him for an anarchist.
  21. Are those keg controls? They look like metallic animal ass sculptures to me. I see a turtle and a raccoon and I can't make out the other one. Also, funny that the bat has the word Justice on it. That's not how justice works, my man.
  22. Yes, the answer to that question is yes. He's proven over and over and over again that's exactly what he'll do. Why are we still asking this question?
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