They were blinded by the (D). Because for most people it no longer has to do with their pocketbooks. Let's be real, if you are saving for your future, it doesn't really matter who is in charge, the general direction is up over time and has been for most of our lifetimes. There is a blip here and there, but recovery comes relatively quickly, and as long as that blip doesn't get you right when you are about to retire, it hasn't been that big of a deal.
Because of that, it's not really about the pocketbook anymore, it's just what people who have picked the R team have been taught to say to justify why they vote R. That's it. It's not truth and reality, its talking points for the fandom that is important here. Not else matters. That's why the Dems need better talking points, and until they have them, this isn't getting better.
And by the way, there are much much better ways to get blinded by the D, I'd love it if they'd put down the pom poms and try that instead.