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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. I just can't get over how terrible that is. Looks like someone was using a hand square as a guide. Maybe we should start calling him #SenHandSquare
  2. So these people have broken my bullshit detector. I can't tell if that is real or not. And it's even better when presented in concert. I'm not a big Madonna fan, but she puts on a fantastic show. God damn I miss going to concerts.
  3. Wait, you aren't allowed to call someone a cum dumpster piece of shit on Twitter? What kind of outfit do they think they are running over there?
  4. If your business relies on gay clientele, blasting that song in the open doors of your business is a good way to draw us in off the street, FYI. Also, I'm not watching, why is Madonna being discussed?
  5. I mean, this is as obvious as Trump having a legal defense fund that was actually for paying off debt. Anyone who gave money to either the defense fund or LP had all the tools they needed to know better.
  6. I'm old enough to remember when TV stations went off the air every night for a few hours. The last announcement they would make every night was how they were going off the air and a flag would pop up on the screen and the national anthem would play.
  7. Well that's the problem, right? Off the record they all agree he's guilty. It's getting them to agree he's guilty on the record that will prove LadyG correct.
  8. Yeah growing up in a small town, you had to go to church if you were in business. People wanted to know what kind of God you worshipped I guess. I was First Baptist church had a gym with a basketball court. And it wasn't the first time, even with that guy, but also did trade blowjobs with a friend in the baptismal of that church once. As soon as I figured out I wouldn't ever have to go to church again to be successful in business because I'd left the small town, I have only entered churches for weddings and funerals, with a couple of exceptions like visiting a cathedral in Europe to see the opulence.
  9. "He's terrible at business, just like me!" So that's the guy making it possible for us to have bird tuesday.
  10. Or make it the very first thing they do as soon as they open the doors to the public.
  11. Oh shit, the Jehovah's Witnesses don't acknowledge the fact that any kind of anthem exists and will not participate in any anthem singing, playing or listening. That's going to be a fun lawsuit.
  12. It's not so much that it's in 3/4 time as it is all the stops and starts throughout it that make it so damned choppy to listen to. I can't really read sheet music anymore because I last did it 30 years ago, but I remember what a pain in the ass that song was to conduct because of all the stops and starts.
  13. Your repper on this post username checks out. Sorry y'all have to scroll to the previous page to see it, but I laughed.
  14. It will never cease to amaze me that the same team that is calling for secession of Texas from the US is also pissed off that the proper showy patriotism cues aren't on display so they can prove how American they are. Fuck off you piece of shit Danny.
  15. Do they build all their houses underground out in Van Zandt County?
  16. I'm still expecting Emoryoid to show up within the next 30 days to start bitching about the deficit again and how he's worked so hard for his social security.
  17. Well yeah, but I'm just talking about when I see a picture of this guy, it looks like the newspaper caricatures of Nixon back in the day. Not what Nixon actually looked like, but how the cartoonists drew him. It's weird.
  18. He had a really good speech after the insurrection as well.
  19. He looks like a caricature of Richard Nixon.
  20. Gonna be honest, I was like look at the big brain on this guy using $10 words I don't understand, I even tried to look it up. When I found no results I figured out he just flubbed the shit out of incarcerated.
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