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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Something something, something something, reasons and something something. Does that help?
  2. Every time I start laughing about this I remember that there was a fair bit of that happening on the football board when we were running the world via conference realignment and I get sad that we had a bunch of idiots buying a bunch of bullshit as well. Then I remember that that was a diversion and in the grand scheme of things doesn't affect our lives, and this one ruins families and lifetime friendships and then I start laughing again at these morons.
  3. We agree on that. I went down a hopeful path, but it's not the only path. And I'm not sure which route is more likely a decade from now. Gotta tell you that that hurts me to think about. Like emotionally that will be something I don't think I'd ever get over if they end up going down that path and succeed. There'd be a whole bunch of people I know in life that I'd never be able to forgive or speak to again. It'd be another example of fucking baby boomers throwing a fit when they don't get what they want and ruining it for everyone else, which I've gotten to see close up for most of my life. Fuck.
  4. Somehow I did not have lesbian on my bingo card.
  5. The optimist in me sees that there are a shit ton of people that are going to vote R because R. They don't care about the policies, they've proven that by voting for Trump because R. So, what an enterprising R leadership should be doing is to start figuring out which parts of the Democratic platform they can co opt to build a new coalition. And then go hard at that. They do not have to go down the deadly path, because it will be deadly to them if they follow that path. They are going to have to get some visionary leadership to see it that way though, and they have to start bringing in candidates who can argue about ideas again instead of creating straw men. It's going to be a tough thing to do, but it's the only path that doesn't see them driven to dust.
  6. The people who buy this are the same people who are constitutional experts who never read the constitution or memo experts who never read the partial transcript of the memo. Why are you expecting something different this time?
  7. Is this the one with the face like vermin and the voice of a fascist? They are all starting to look alike to me.
  8. Not really sure what to say if you don't see his comments, see those cuffs on him, and you hear his obvious lie and decide that yeah, maybe he did just forget he had them. But maybe we're not arguing about the same thing. I'm arguing that I don't think it was hyperbole to state that the guy was wearing those cuffs in case he could take some hostages in support of the second revolution. You may be arguing that whether that's hyperbole or not, based on what he's been charged with so far, bail is a 99% certainty, so there's no point in bringing that into the discussion. If you are arguing the former, I don't even know how to have a discussion with you about this. If you are arguing the latter, IANAL so I'd defer to your knowledge in that area.
  9. Imagine being so hard up that you'd look to the opinion of a drug addict pillow salesman shuckster for your advice on your best next step to overthrow the government.
  10. Then I'm not wasting my time on that bullshit. I demand better stories about Japanese/Argentinians in the future.
  11. Dude did you see his social media posts in that thread? "Patriots need to shoot their way in," Talking about that woman that FAAFO with a bullet in her neck, "She's the first martyr of the second revolution." And you think it is hyperbole that he might have tried to use those cuffs to take a hostage if he'd found a hostage to take? Ok then.
  12. I love how people have turned the concept of taking responsibility for your own actions onto its head and are instead claiming that they are the victims of people who would hold them accountable for their actions. Don't want none won't be none you piece of shit Justin Hill. You are still missing the most important detail. I don't know how much time to spend imagining this until you tell me if those bartenders had penises or not. Isn't this the guy that claimed he found those plastic cuffs on the ground and was responsibly looking for a policeman so he could turn them in?
  13. If I recall from the times I listened to Rush Limbaugh. That's the shithole that produced him, so that seems like he's slumming pretty bad. Are we forgetting those twin cities of Paris, Tx and Paris, France? Checkmate libs.
  14. Nah, I got bit by a german shepherd when I was 6 and it required many many stitches. I still prefer dogs to people. Hell I still prefer german shepherds to people.
  15. And as he proved with his review, we know this is the only way his wife is ever going to get a WAP.
  16. Wait, am I to understand that if I see a picture of someone I know, and I say, "Hey I know that person, it's John Cornyn, here's his phone number" that I somehow broke the law? I guess Cornyn may not understand the First Amendment as well as he claims. Wonder if he's one of those senators that think private business must provide a platform for people to say whatever insane thing they want to say? Republicans are trying to turn the First Amendment completely on its head.
  17. So that’s assault and he should be arrested. If they aren’t willing to arrest him they need to find people to operate that station that will arrest someone who touches them without permission. Also, why do Republicans act like 4 year olds in public? Are they trying to shame their parents?
  18. I'd sign up for this right now as long as I can still get to New Orleans a couple times a year.
  19. What do you mean we won't forget? Mitch cruised to reelection just a couple months ago. Dems lost seats in the House as well. Had you seen all the people voting for Biden sticking with the Dems down the ballot then I think Republicans would have been pushing just as hard as Dems to get this vote done and get him impeached and convicted, but people didn't vote against Reps, they voted against Trump. Reps believe, and are probably right, that if they can successfully jettison him now, they won't suffer many repercussions by the time the next election rolls by. If they play it just right, all these crazy Trumpkins will just go back to not voting and the slightly less crazy will decide that they can't support communism or abortion so of course they are going to go back and vote Rep top to bottom. This is my concern. It will take a lot of hard work to make sure this doesn't happen, and if we don't start the work of tying Trump to the Republican party at large right now, we've already lost. So far, Dems are doing a terrible job of making that argument. Let's hope they get better quickly.
  20. Oh it was a hot rock? Maybe that explains all those issues Moscow Mitch was having with those hands.
  21. then maybe it can help some more people find out.
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