This is the party of "family values," and what strikes me on these videos over and over, probably the family value that was most drilled into my head from my parents was that you show respect to those around you if you hope to earn respect from them, and that means you don't throw temper tantrums or fits, you behave like an adult and you don't waste people's time. And yet over and over I'm watching these things and wondering where their family is and why weren't they taught these lessons? It's just sad.
Also, I want them to cut this out because when the pandemic is over I'll be back to traveling for work again. Unfortunately, I look like a trumpanzee to the uninitiated. Standard 40's white guy who could probably lose a few pound who typically travels in a t-shirt. I'm not really excited about the extra screening that is coming my way once TSA starts changing it's profiling standard.