Part of the reason I quit calling myself a Republican was because I determined this was a value important to me, and it was not important to Republicans. I've since discovered that the conservatives in my family simply don't believe this. For them, being conservative is more about preserving their place, and fuck everyone else. They don't care if kids are in cages, they got tax cuts. They don't care that their party's policies negatively affected their gay son both due to just general disdain for "the gay lifestyle" and also terrible immigration policies, they got tax cuts. They don't care if people are wholesale discriminated against because of the color of their skin, because the group that wants to encourage that gives them tax cuts. Now to be fair, he hasn't ever said it directly to me, but I have the impression that in the case of one of my family members that's more of a feature than a bug. He does care, because he wants white people in power, and he gets that as a bonus with his lower taxes. To them, the dollar bills are so much more important than any other issue that it completely drowns out their ability to even see anything else. Republicans can commit whatever atrocities they want to commit as long as taxes are low. That's all that matters.