hey thanks everyone for throwing in your thoughts on that. My whole family seems to be over it. My dad got it, and even though he got sick enough for a few days that he didn't care if he lived or died, as long as it was finished, the fact that he eventually recovered seems to have sounded the all clear for my family to basically decide that the all clear whistle has sounded. Between that and the election where, once again my family is all in on Republicanism, and even my liberal sister is thinking about Trump now because her husband works in oil, and yeah, it's almost like when I was in the closet and was not allowed to get shit out and act like myself around my loved ones. It's been a shitty year, but it's gotten worse with my one familial ally seemingly on the brink of going red, and no one in my family taking this seriously anymore.
Also, I can not fucking wait to go hang out at an actual bar again. I don't have kids so my desires are more selfish than y'alls, gotta admit, but I miss eating out, traveling, bars and live music. Turns out those are my 4 favorite things to do in life. Not sure I knew that before this shitshow started.