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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. I got a good one yesterday (side note, I get spam texts to someone named Norma on the regular). I've never even known a Norma personally I don't think. Message: Greetings, Norma!! This is James w/ TX GOP. I'm voting Republican in Nov Help Keep Texas Red. We sent U an absentee ballot application. 2 optout txt STOP. First off, that's a shitty message. No good reason to vote Rep except "Keep Texas Red." Random capitalization, text shorthand never appropriate for professional work, and then missing spaces. Just shitty. My response covered none of that, however: Response: Wait a minute, I thought our President Mr. Trump said that voting by mail was bad? Still waiting for a response.... We have had a skunk problem in our neighborhood, and I have discovered that they do have high powered water cannons that will spray on motion. They are meant for skunks, but would probably work on assholes too.
  2. Yeah I'm always left hoping for either an arrest or actual dickhead shots.
  3. I wish people would quit saying this. What you should be saying is "drag whoever else you can along with you as long as you've vetted them and are sure they won't be voting Republican."
  4. She's trying to prove that some man, somewhere, thinks she's hot. I also find it hilarious every time she pretends she's a devout Christian.
  5. So if Trump tells me he didn't say it, and Huckabee Sanders tells me he didn't say it, I know for got damned sure he said it, because neither one of those people are capable of telling the truth. Also, while I'm at it sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiitttttttttt. That's as close as I'm going to get to a reply to that disingenuous moron.
  6. Fuck off, you served 18 months, I served 18 years. I wasn't even in Lubbock, though just LA (Lubbock Area).
  7. Fuck Brian Kilmeade. Moron. Donald Trump could've done it from his house too. He didn't. He used the White House instead. That shit don't belong to him. He got a job that comes with free room and office space, but he has a landlord and that landlord is us. And we have decided with laws that it is illegal for him to do what he did. So fuck off you lying moronic sack of shit.
  8. If karma was a thing Rush would be dead already....
  9. For real, is there anything at all a concerned citizen could do in court to get Fox News to not blatantly lie on the air? Spin your stories, Fox, but jesus christ, you are actively destroying the country by lying. It's shameful, and they should be ashamed, but they should also be sued into financial oblivion. So how do we do that?
  10. So this is why you aren't thinking about this correctly. Mitch is also going to realize that those blue states are net contributors to the tax base. He's not giving that up. He'll maybe try to find a way to cheat his way into staying in power, but he's not going to get rid of the golden goose to stay in power. He knows for damned sure that he's going to be in the position of having to figure out how to pay for the same shit with way less money coming in. Because Mississippi isn't just suddenly going to become a net producer because California or Oregon are missing. So yeah, he's not doing that. Trump is dumb enough to think about it, but I don't think Congressional Republican leadership is that dumb yet.
  11. If only I had the time this week to really sit down and think this through and type out a thorough response. This is a really great discussion point, and since I don't have the time this week, I'm responding to keep it alive that hopefully a conversation around this can start and last long enough that when I do take some time on Saturday it'll still be an active discussion. Here's hoping.
  12. Oh on this I'm 100% in agreement. The problem is, that IS what the government is telling us. It's not a big deal, go forth and spend your money. I want the messaging to be completely different than it is, and I want our actions to be exactly what they are. But we're going to have to wait for a change in leadership before that's going to happen.
  13. Sadly, until January at the earliest, I don't disagree with this approach. If I'm asymptomatic, what's the point of me getting tested if my positive test is going to have absolutely no bearing on anything? We aren't doing contact tracing, we aren't enforcing lockdowns for positive cases, we aren't doing anything at all. A test for an asymptomatic is just wasted money until we are actually committed to doing something about positive test results.
  14. Gotta say, if that happens, it's clear that my values don't match the values of my country any longer. That would be depressing.
  15. Oh on that we totally agree. I'd probably make it a condition that they have to stop voting, stop giving to any political groups, and never talk about politics in my presence. And I'll tell them it was their lack of foresight and gullibility that put them in this position to begin with, so they have already shown they don't make the best political decisions, so it's in everyone's interest, their's included, to stop doing those things.
  16. Well yeah, that's what I'd want to do. But life isn't always about doing what you want to do, sometimes it's about doing the right thing. And doing the right thing includes not letting my parents/grandparents starve to death. Also, despite their political leanings, otherwise my family is pretty good. I would resent spending my retirement on their retirement but not nearly as badly as you will in the case of your sister.
  17. I would be in the same boat except some of those leopards ate my face people are my family, that I'd be on the hook for supporting, with the retirement money I've been saving assuming they'd figure out a way to pull the SS rug out from under my generation before we could actually use it. No thanks. I don't want to spend my retirement on my family.
  18. Actually, what I was trying to argue, apparently poorly, is exactly this. This is what should have happened at the end of the civil war. It was the only way for us to potentially avoid where we are today.
  19. Carrying bibles to churches. Apparently her idea.
  20. Tahoe would tell you that it was always thus, they just used to write things down they didn't actually believe in. And he was proud of that about his party. Also, I'm realizing now that our biggest mistake as a country, aside from slavery, was not doing to the south the same things the germans did to the nazi's after WWII. It should have been drilled into them that what the south did was to shame its descendents. The fact we let them go on glorifying the losers and carrying their symbols and normalizing the okayness of that train of thought back then made it all but inevitable that we'd get here one day.
  21. NOBODY want to see that. God dammit.
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