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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Or does everyone win?
  2. Earl doesn't need to go around, as evidenced here against the Rams.
  3. Wow that answer from Sark was really great. Thanks for posting!
  4. And he's a singer as well. One time in my life I went to the Chili Cookoff at the Houston Rodeo and as we were wandering between tents we noticed someone was singing up on the stage for that area. When we looked a little closer, it was Earl Fucking Campbell, big as life, singing away to country songs. He was fully feeling the moment and giving it his all, and I realized, I'd watch that guy do anything because he's a bad ass motherfucker. Hook 'em Earl!
  5. I mean, I don't know that I'd purchase almost 2 billion dongs if I had $76 mil, but I'm pretty sure my number would be north of 0. I continue to look at these pictures and continue to be just amazed at the lack of talent amongst these clowns year after year. You'd think in their long history at least one of them would be a looker. If there ever was one, he's fucking camera shy because I've never seen a good looking person in these group shots, much less a collection of them. It's amazing.
  6. I grew up near Lubbock. I’ve listened to their fans my whole life blame everything and everyone else but themselves for every loss they’ve had in every sport. I lived through those god awful third down clickers and Shane Dronnett all but killing a guy in the backfield in Lubbock and Tony Brackens decapitating that tech punter in Austin. I’ve been pulled over by the Lubbock police for having a Longhorn sticker on my car, and watched tech piss away every single good thing they ever accidentally lucked into. Through all of it those motherfuckers never ever shut up about what they are owed, how they have been robbed, and making every excuse for their lifetime shitty performance. My dad died earlier this year, and the thing that I keep thinking about this week is how happy he would be to watch us beat the fuck out of these assholes one last time so this series ends with a 55-17 all time record in favor of the good guys. RIP dad, I’ll have a couple for you while watching this mudhole we are about to drop on these tortilla toddlers. Fuck them and good riddance. In honor of the record I’m calling the final score 55-17 Texas.
  7. I mean I kind of get it. We have a beverage cart we bought and reconditioned and use for liquor storage and it's awesome. I might like to make a desk out of part of a wing as well. But the seat. Eh.
  8. I was wondering the same thing. On the one hand, hey that's kind of cool, I want one. On the other, hey wait why the fuck would anyone put one of those uncomfortable chairs in their house?
  9. I thought that was the Irish Or the Dutch?
  10. Fuck him, this could have severely negative consequences on all of our fucking lives, who gives a shit about some guy from bumfuck's career.
  11. I think his point was that the same people who are accusing him of that are the ones that accused Craig James of killing 5 hookers while at SMU. Or at least maybe it should be.
  12. Interesting. I'm your age and routinely heard both while I was on the 40. Years on campus 90-96. Also 3-6-6
  13. Was sitting in an airport restaurant in Newark last night and they were playing Fox Business. Even their business channel was just straight up propaganda. They weren't even trying to be somewhat factual. I knew it was bad from clips I've seen here, but I didn't think it was quite that bad. It's just fact free news, with special guest appearances by that dumb football coach that snuck out the bathroom window when hosting a recruiting dinner in Lubbock. Wow.
  14. Lots of gays could get in the mood for some cosplay. But the costumes have to be better than a white milkman costume that doesn't show off the figure. They aren't getting laid by anyone but true believers (and sheep) in those getups. And when they do decide to get out of those milman costumes, their backup is to go with coveralls and puff paint. Lots of gays like a good arts and crafts project, but, no no no no no.
  15. So they are also voting to dismiss the other 4 articles that they didn’t put on trial this time?
  16. You focus on the small demographics first to get everyone in the mood to limit the rights of the "Other." Next round the group will be a bigger or more favored group of "Other." The round after that will be an even bigger or more favored group of "Other." And you keep doing that until you have just the most favored group that's left that gets to ignore all the rules for themselves because they are too busy enforcing all the rules on the "Other." It's pretty simple. Only quibble with your timelines is its Drag -> Trans -> gay -> Middle Easterners -> Blacks and or Mexicans -> Mexicans and or Blacks -> Jews -> Indians (Asian) -> the other Asians -> women -> poor whites. Every time they are successful with adding a more favored group to the pile, life for the people below the new group will get worse, to the point that by the time we get to the Jews or Indians, all the rainbow groups will be dead or in hiding. By the time we get to all the Asians we'll have expelled or killed all the people with Middle eastern backgrounds. By the time we get to the poor whites, we'll be right back to gassing the Jews. Yay us!
  17. I don't believe a third term is possible simply because there aren't enough states that would allow him on the ballot a third time because he doesn't meet the qualifications for office in that state. One of the qualifications to run for president is that you can't have served 2 full terms, and there are enough blue/purple states that would respect that enough that they would wholly disqualify him from even being on the ballot. If he's only running in the deep red states, he has no ability to get to 270, and therefore no shot at a 3rd term. I can be an optimistic dumbass though, so I could be wrong.
  18. I wear that exact shirt around the house all the time. In fact just took it off after some yard work. My favorite single game shirt ever, though, and someone in my family is an ass and threw it out, was a picture of Jesus holding a football with the caption “To hell with OU”. Fucking loved that shirt. I guess technically it was only a single game shirt because I bought it just before my first TX/OU game in 1990 and it was sold for that game but it was before the game and therefore no scoreboard.
  19. Buzbee should be suing his plastic surgeon for malpractice. That should be his full time job right now. I don't know what he's doing here.
  20. If I were Trump, I'd decide what I want to claim I weigh, then when I talk about it the next time I'm in front of cameras, I'd hold up the weights that I had strategically hidden in my suit to make me appear heavier, to own the libs. All he'd had to do is work out the math and hold weights that approximate the difference between the two then he gets another own the libs moment for his idiots. It wouldn't actually own the libs, but his idiots would think it did.
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