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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Wait, aren't schools pretty much 100% funded by property taxes? Forgive me for not paying attention to what he's been saying but how is this anything but an admission that he's trying to kill public schools? Money's gotta come from somewhere if we're going to have schools and no school property tax. What's his alternative?
  2. Nah, fucking > pegging. Give me the dick over the dildo any day.
  3. Late to this thread, but for those looking for poppers, the seedier sex toy stores all sell it. Just go to the counter and ask for VHS cleaner. I've yet to try them, mainly because ever since Lynn Bias and River Phoenix, I've been paranoid about ever putting any kind of drug up my nose for any reason. Also, I know how to work my asshole without drug assistance. But I do know people that swear by them.
  4. Safe sex is right! It's only gay if the pegged has his eyes closed and is pretending it's a guy doing the pegging. You straight guys who haven't figured it out yet are missing out, the prostate is a wonderful wonderful thing. I'm convinced the world would be a happier place if more of you succumbed to the pleasure the prostate can provide.
  5. Yeah none of that shit worked in Texas. The reason Juneteenth was a thing in Texas because it happened a year or two (my memory is hazy) after all that other shit happened, and it was because the government rode in with troops to fucking enforce the end of slavery. Had they not done that, Texas would've kept right on slaving despite the 13th amendment. So this person can fuck right off.
  6. Yeah, I'm not saying he made an error in judgement in deciding to fuck someone that's crazy. I get that. Hell I've done that too. I'm saying that he wasn't smart enough not to marry the crazy and bring it home to meet the family. That's the error in judgement that he's going to have a hard time justifying.
  7. The problem with Newsom is that he's at least once showed terrible terrible judgement. Not only did he date that troll, he married her as well. This has me concerned about his overall decision making abilities.
  8. Nah this predates Rogan. He signed to be Amazon only in 2016. Here's his rationale:
  9. Except it's the one way that Garth isn't cool, that fucker doesn't allow his music to be played on the streaming services, at least not on Spotify.
  10. Someone really enjoys their capes. I'm not sure she's pulling it off, but she's giving it her all.
  11. I remember driving back to Austin from Tx/OU one year with dormmates and we were singing along to that first Garth Brooks CD at the top of our lungs the whole way. It was also the year I saw some guy hanging off the entrance gate to the state fair yelling at the Okies to "Get the fuck out of our state" after the game. Good times, good times.
  12. Now I see why they worked so well together. Neither one of them could tell the other had wonky eyes.
  13. I will never invite a shark to my house, and one has never invited me to their house. I’m happy to be next to their house or over their house but I feel no need to go into their house. Especially with the way stand your ground laws are written these days.
  14. I’m in LA, I felt the need to fit in.
  15. It so happens I saw rainbow bunting for the first time today, at the aforementioned United Club where I was hoping to take a quiet dump before my flight but that wound up serving me celebratory beers because of the day’s events.
  16. I got off my last call, walked through security and into the United club and saw this news. I was really just coming in here for a private place to take a dump before my flight, but I had to make a detour to pick up a beer to toast the greatness of today. And I can guarantee blowjobs are in my future tonight. Sorry for you straight guys!
  17. I'm heartened by this news, and the general response to it on this thread. I remember when Falwell died and I was ready to take out my dick and piss on his corpse, there was a chorus of you degenerates telling me to slow my roll and pay the dead their respect. Glad to see y'all better understand where I was coming from back then. Fuck all these people. I hope they rot to nothingness quickly and their legacy becomes a cautionary tale sooner rather than later.
  18. If we're talking about Montana beers and it being pride month, this is the one I'm partial to, but mainly because it's the only beer I'm aware of that you can find in Austin Texas.
  19. No one going to bring up Schafer's or Mickey's Big Mouth? Had a roommate in college that drank a 12er of Keystone Light for dinner every night.
  20. I'm pretty sure I've never had a Bud Light in my fridge, but had one last weekend. We went to a taco truck by our house for breakfast, and they were offering free beer with every $10 minimum purchase of food. Well of course, I'll take a free beer. Turns out it was Bud Light. I drank it with a smile on my face.
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