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Everything posted by R2D2

  1. R2D2


    Black Panther and Wonder Woman making so much money while getting critical acclaim have put an end to the pandering to stupifying bigotry. The Roseanne reboot wasn't hate filled, it was basically the prior show. Donald Trump can't really raise money in America, he needs rogue foreigners to help him cheat the system. His behavior is bad business. And Roseanne's Twitter behavior is the same as Trump's. Once again Hillary was right when she said "delete your account". Hmmm, maybe everything happening is somebody's genius strategy to evolve America, by exposing then eliminating all its (not so) latent rottenness.
  2. R2D2


    Dennis Miller attached himself to Bill O'Reilly and then Bill sexually assaulted the news division, so ... Anyway, she's finished. Unless she wants to do a racist Trumpian podcast. Even night club comedians will condemn this.
  3. R2D2


    Fox News lies about its ratings. Its demographic is also aged, tightwaddy and senile.
  4. R2D2


    Trump is bad for business.
  5. R2D2


    Trump fires people, perpetually.
  6. R2D2


    Trump is kryptonite. He's the human version of Russian murder poison. The paradigm has been cemented, he devalues everything he touches. He's the non consensual midas touch of another's private parts. Every trump supporter should heed the warning. An alliance with him will debase you, completely.
  7. R2D2


    Don Jr will be going to prison.
  8. R2D2


    The difference in Hillary's and Donald's children tells you everything.
  9. R2D2


    Right! That black athletes attend that university is befuddling. I've met plenty of racist elder Aggies at games. They're awful people.
  10. Hey Michael Cohen, recognize the anti semitism in your boss and the people who follow him. #Flip.
  11. Come on FBI, you go get him. And bring his fat ass down.
  12. R2D2


    Nope. Look at texags for proof that you are wrong. You're wrong about everything. You're a lied to doofus trying your very best to assimilate with all the other deplorables who voted for that ass clown besmirching America.
  13. R2D2


    All things Trump shall crash and burn. This pattern will repeat in every circumstance. I can't wait until his impeachment! All of his supporters will be frantic. BTW, Trump took full credit for Roseanne's ratings. He should take credit for her racism too.
  14. R2D2


    Fox News is disgustingly racist. As are all the Trump supporters. As is Trump. What a foul brood of vile individuals.
  15. Why would roe v wade, gay marriage etc have any detrimental affect nationally? This is the result of asinine fear mongering of modernity. Same thing was said about Obamacare (omg Armageddon). All you have pointed out is that the rw is hyperbolic, irrational & pointless. OTOH, what Bush did in office almost annihilated the global economy. There are differences, and they relate to substance. What Trump is doing is substantively ruinous.
  16. The right wing as its last gasps (after Nixon) went Hollywood sham, then war monger ineptitude, then full tilt racist, now Russian Mobster. What's next is the end of democracy, truth & law & order in all respects other than in the form of marshall law despotism. Which means America is done. The Republican party defeated America. These people were all ex red state confederates, themselves treasonous genocidal racists. America is no more when the bumpkins & the robber barons align with the KGB to stick it to "change". Fuck the GOP. They are damnable shit stains.
  17. Ghostbusters reboot. Found it funny and enjoyable. So many misogynistic Russian hate bots steered everybody wrong.
  18. it's a movie. You incensed fanboys are geeky nerd twats. Luke hates you.
  19. I'm fingering Trumpkins for Hillary's deep state dark shadow prison camps. By fingering I mean every meaning of that phrase. I'm going to torture Trump voters. My real name is Dr. Torture (MD). You have been warned! My advice is go hide in the corn fields and the tomato patches, where you backwards swamp things belong.
  20. Talk talk talk bang bang bang.
  21. Hey -- if there's a heaven, why has no astronaut ever snapped a picture of it!! There is a hell though, it's Trump's America.
  22. That the Republican party is pro life and pro family is laughable. The right wing hates humanity. Conservatives should be catapulted from earth to die as asphyxiated space angels.
  23. As president, Trump has never told the truth once. Clapper lied trying to protect classified data, which means he has to. Trump lies because he's a pathological slimeball. He's a ruinous cretinous criminal pile of scum. As such, he's your hero. Shame on you.
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