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Everything posted by Annie

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/sea-levels-rise-internet-cables-climate-change-underground-new-york-miami-a8449716.html Checkmate Russia
  2. Annie


    But who demolished the twin towers and wtc7?
  3. They didn't turn over the servers btw. They paid a firm to analyze and produce the findings. The cia had leaks about their spoofing capabilities either way, but they couldn't turn over their equipment to the fbi why exactly? I mean the dnc had remote IT from Pakistan done by one guy and paid his whole family so the operational security must have been top tier. The dip shit it for Hillary got on Reddit and exposed himself lmao. Stonetear was like a furry n sheit too lmao, deleted his account after people published. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/09/20/hillary-clintons-it-guy-asked-reddit-for-help-altering-emails-a-twitter-sleuth-claims/?utm_term=.96ad3d0adcbf
  4. Should he have nuked Russia based on the msm and ex leader of the cia? Do you realize what uranium one was? Could you imagine the most powerful nation in the world top FBI counter intelligence agent that is totally compromised? Imagine if they pretended to lose the texts only to wind up having to "fix the glitch" and find them lol. Russia, China, Japan, England ect all have massive data collection and dirt on the opposing countries leaders. Why haven't they all leaked what they have on Trump if he is so corrupt and treasonous?
  5. Oh the see eye ayy and the 19 Intel agencies that have declared Russia hacked the DNC without examining the servers? MKULTRA COINTELPRO Operation Mockingbird Project Shamrock Gulf of Tonkin Pentagon Papers Nonexistent WMDs ATF walking guns to drug cartels
  6. He beats Hillary again in 2020.
  7. Will it be before 2020? Will Russia "hack our democracy" again by having the special council interfere with the election? Democrat rags and the puppets have been calling Trump treasonous based on what exactly?
  8. It's like we are watching pro wrasslin but in "real life politics"!
  9. Annie


    What it means. Donald has made a deal with Putin for Dick Cheney to drill for oil in Golan Heights. The magic lamp will see some profits. GOGAS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_Energy
  10. Annie


    That's our only real alliance in the region. Unless you want Iran to slaughter the Jews you should support a Jewish Israel. Billions in exchange for some stability there is worth it.
  11. Annie


  12. You predicted it Hugo. Everything is Russia.
  13. Sanctions lifted? We leaving Syria?
  14. Former drumpf supporter here too we need to impeach drumpf immediately! He needs to listen to the intelligence community and declare war on Russia immediately! Bush was the last true Republican patriot (as described by Brennan) when he declared war on Iraq after listening to the advices of our intelligence community! Intelligence agencies WOULD NEVER LIE! Fellow republican patriots, we need to impeach drumpf and install Hillary immediately.
  15. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/396976-facebook-twitter-youtube-to-testify-before-house-judiciary Big propaganda to testify.
  16. The executive and judicial branches are all powerful now. The legislative branch is a waste of time and gives an illusion of a functional republic. The alphabet agencies have shown they aren't going to be subjected to oversight by elected "representatives" anyway. Laws are for poor people and small district courts have more power through injunctions than the entire legislature.
  17. HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) - A preliminary hearing Thursday gave more information into a grisly double homicide in Madison County. Mariah Lopez, a 13-year-old, was decapitated and her grandmother, Oralia Mendoza, was also killed. Investigators now believe the case has connections to a drug cartel. http://m.waff.com/story/38635617/testimony-reveals-grisly-details-in-madison-county-double-murder
  18. But who would he run against? Billary again?
  19. They found SAP on Hillary's private home server.
  20. Violent crime is down http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/DonohueLevittTheImpactOfLegalized2001.pdf http://freakonomics.com/2005/05/15/abortion-and-crime-who-should-you-believe/
  21. Demorats going from the Klan to Planned Parenthood is much more effective, plus the $ from selling the baby parts. There's a reason that stem cell research is banned in the US from Umbilical cords, despite it being more effective. It has to be a full-term normal birth...
  22. Will Antifa Protest at the Sturgis Bike Rally in 2018? https://www.lombardiletter.com/will-antifa-protest-sturgis-bike-rally-2018/23072/ https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/2941035
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