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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. Lil’ Jordan? Not sure if he put up any numbers. Was only half paying attention during the Denver game. Cosmi, but guards and stats don’t really go hand in hand. Bijan taking the snap and smoking it, with Penix behind him was awesome. Even had the broadcast fooled for a second.
  2. Must be from the leftover aggy shitcloud over the stadium.
  3. So Snoop Dogg has a… bowl?
  4. Right. We’ll see how it plays out, but we’ll need him at 100% later.
  5. Same here.
  6. I fully understand he can play. I read the same tweets. The question is should he play. Coming off a bum ankle, another week can’t hurt. We also have the good fortune to be able to allow him another week unless someone else is out.
  7. They’ll surely sit him and bond, and are just making asu account for them.
  8. Sure, but can you also throw a baseball?
  9. Bargaining phase, huh?
  10. I would say that I’d stream it privately for you in exchange for a couple bricks of uncut marching powder, but streaming like that would be kind of illegal, and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that. You take venmo?
  11. Or Kurt fucking Warner, ala NFL Network right now.
  12. Depends if Denver can beat the Chiefs 3rd/4th string. It’s a throwaway game for them. If that game plan doesn’t suit burrow, who gives a fuck. Play better.
  13. Suddenly in the mood for a nice gyro.
  14. Well, at least it isn’t Tourette’s, right? Can you imagine a QB with that affliction? Blue 22. Blue 22. Set… ballhair!
  15. But you’re headed that way.
  16. This blonde they got on (nfl network, didn't catch her name) got a serious case of rudeness going on.
  17. Like they have the money for that shit.
  18. Rimbo's absolutely on par here. I've been doing this shit for 30 years. Under circumstances where if you put the decimal in the wrong place, or some other glitch, and you just cost clients hundreds of millions of dollars in fines from the DOJ. Or what I'm currently working on now, which makes sure you could call your mom this morning and get through. And that's just me. Rimbo has similar high-level experience, and there are others here that do this as well. From the drop I had a gut feeling, and after this long in the industry if I had to pick one thing to lean on, I can tell you it's trust my gut. Which is another way to say bullshit meter. So yeah, I kinda baited you with the node/react shit. Not that I figured you'd have a clue what it was, but it was a little trick question. And well, you played right into that, and showed your ass. So to answer your fucking question, as bluntly as possible so you'll understand: 1) I could absolutely knock that out of the park. The entire stack, not just the pretty part. 2) What little free time I have, I could still do it. 3) You showing your ass so quickly (and continuously) just told me I want nothing to do with being around you, and that honestly, you can't afford me. You don't really have a clue what kind of effort and skill that takes to pull it off correctly, without error, and look amazing (vice the trash already out there.) Your loss though, and maybe a lesson for the future.
  19. That will delete your entire hard drive. All of it. sudo: means execute the following as “root”, the ultimate *nix superuser. rm: means remove -fr: flags which tell the remove command to “force” the removal, and “r” telling it to do so recursively /*: means starting at the root of the directory structure In plain english, it means delete my entire drive, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Once it’s done:
  20. Yep. Been there with ya on that shit. Always somebody.
  21. I didn’t know a sooner could stay off their sister for that long. Pregnant or not.
  22. You're too kind. Too kind indeed. Post before last you mentioned the equity thing. I had that originally and deleted it, decided to punt with the node bait. Just don’t have the energy to fish tonight.
  23. Oh, he's building a monster alright. A monster shit.
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