Rimbo's absolutely on par here.
I've been doing this shit for 30 years. Under circumstances where if you put the decimal in the wrong place, or some other glitch, and you just cost clients hundreds of millions of dollars in fines from the DOJ. Or what I'm currently working on now, which makes sure you could call your mom this morning and get through.
And that's just me. Rimbo has similar high-level experience, and there are others here that do this as well.
From the drop I had a gut feeling, and after this long in the industry if I had to pick one thing to lean on, I can tell you it's trust my gut. Which is another way to say bullshit meter.
So yeah, I kinda baited you with the node/react shit. Not that I figured you'd have a clue what it was, but it was a little trick question. And well, you played right into that, and showed your ass.
So to answer your fucking question, as bluntly as possible so you'll understand:
1) I could absolutely knock that out of the park. The entire stack, not just the pretty part.
2) What little free time I have, I could still do it.
3) You showing your ass so quickly (and continuously) just told me I want nothing to do with being around you, and that honestly, you can't afford me. You don't really have a clue what kind of effort and skill that takes to pull it off correctly, without error, and look amazing (vice the trash already out there.)
Your loss though, and maybe a lesson for the future.