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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. Sounds like the perfect time for child labor.
  2. At least she didn’t have to cook. Be grateful.
  3. Or… You don’t go in dry on Texas
  4. I’m grabbing something alright.
  5. Sounds like a new outhouse location is in order.
  6. Absolutely true, and it’s sad.
  7. 90's my ass. They ain't special.
  8. Blackstone? If it would help, I can dig through my old tailgate files for recipes that can be made off site easily, and transport well. A lot are intended for large batch type stuff. Doesn’t help the big game stuff like Saturday, but may be of use for other games.
  9. This man right here, he gets it.
  10. Check the venue’s site for info, if we’re not talking about some random open show. The venue will either have info on rental or bring your own. Most places that let you bring your own want them to be the low profile ones.
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