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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. I have one of these in my garage for similar concerns. Works fine. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Heat-Storm-Tradesman-1500-Watt-Electric-Outdoor-Infrared-Quartz-Portable-Space-Heater-with-Tripod-Wall-and-Ceiling-Mount-HS-1500-OTR-TRI/324948785
  2. I kinda miss those peaceful times. I guess it's from all the hustle surrounding it that makes it that much more appreciated.
  3. So just regular Texas then. Check.
  4. Most people don't have cable of some sort?
  5. I mean they obviously did well at the collegiate level, and they got there, which is about all you can ask from a college coach to some extent. The league takes it (and fucks it up) from there.
  6. But how are Trevor and Justin doing in the league? Oh, wait.
  7. Mine would be. I mean c’mon, just spent the night with Dolly.
  8. Why is ounce vs fluid ounce such a tough concept?
  9. Same here, not that it matters really. You still get it, so good enough.
  10. ”Harmess to metals”, eh?
  11. Brisket’s German Beer farts will make them beg for traditional chemical warfare.
  12. Damn. tOSU going all "secsecsec" on em.
  13. Better when they fight. Wait, wut?
  14. He's really gonna barf now.
  15. Seems like?
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