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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. That's what I said. More words though. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't ask. It's an upgrade, maybe. Definitely a higher ceiling. But taking over that dumpster fire when everyone is super ragey isn't great. Drink has it pretty good where he is at, in the big scheme of things. Not because they have a super high ceiling, or could be world beaters; he's like when k-state hired Snyder. Not the same people, but similar situation. He's treated very, very well there. If he keeps on like he has been, which is decent mid-tier, he'll be a hero there. Look what their last "hero" coach gave them: some decent bowl wins, won the sec east. All while a drunk with a few dui's locally. But they treated him and speak of him like he was the second coming of Bear Bryant.
  2. I laughed. Seriously though, I think Trey will be fine once his time comes. He didn’t look like the nintendo robot, unlike some we’ve trotted out there in the past. The system is working. Me likey.
  3. Username checks out. Why am I suddenly in the mood for nachos? Right? I thought they said Arch hit 21, not 20.7
  4. I wonder if FL could pull Heupel out of TN? He’s got it pretty good there, but FL could probably provide more than TN, and he does alright with what TN has available. Not sure if it would be enough of a difference to gut and rebuild over stay put. Odom tree, too.
  5. Yes, in so much as we talk about responsible society. But here’s the thing, and while I agree the Drake equation does have an educated guess factor in it (how could it not?), those data points toward advancement are well placed. Including the destruction of a society. I agree some of those could be mitigated, if that path is taken of course. But here is why it can’t at our current level: rogue participants. We just found the atomic age, relatively speaking in terms of universal timeline. This is the real critical point in the Drake equation. Not because the US/Russia are going to do it. It’s that one tiny group that gets their hands on a device, or devices, that could detonate just enough of them to cause nuclear winter. If placed in the right spots, it would decimate crop production for centuries. But it’s also unstable with some outlying countries right now too. Anyone trust NK? So that’s just one thing that is possible. The other is natural disaster on a scale not seen since the dinosaurs. What would happen is Yellowstone lit off tomorrow? Something like that might not wipe us out completely. But it could easily set society back to the dark ages. I think we get back quicker, provided knowledge is preserved. But it also could wipe everything out. There’s no way to prepare for that. How likely are those things to happen? I think it depends. It depends if a civilization can advance fast enough to have the capability to counter the problem. For example, maybe yellowstone is set to pop 500 years from now. Who knows. But in those 500 years, maybe we advance enough to understand how to relieve volcanic pressure without causing an eruption. We don’t know of course, but that’s the scenario playing out in any civilization. How fast can it advance to have the technology to reduce, and eventually eliminate, its own extinction. I don’t think that starts to become reality until a civilization occupies multiple planets. Think of resources it would take to settle another planet. A shitload more than a few little habitats you can’t leave without a special suit. We’re talking science fiction levels of need. Kinda fun to think about. Well, not yellowstone going off without capabilities to survive, but the needs and challenges of advancing to those levels.
  6. Stayed right there. It’s kind of a mind fuck, too. But look at the pic above where it shows him starting. He doesn’t move from that spot. The train rolls under him, and he really has no forward momentum, or backward. The bike wheels are turning, but stop the second he comes off and sticks it.
  7. I really, really enjoyed this part of the broadcast last night. Why? The crowd noise part of the audio got turned up a bit right before make em eat shit, and back to baseline right after. Every time. Very easily noticed with surround. It was kinda awesome.
  8. Don’t let him mess with you. That’s Goo Punch.
  9. I guess a 50 burger will have to do.
  10. Time to put up or shut up on the all gas, no brakes.
  11. Onward we go. Suck it meep meep.
  12. It would be great if it worked like MLB. Have your own channel, with your team's announcers.
  13. I think it's time for the eye for an eye in the second half. Show em them fucking pain. That pissed off chip like when Quinn got that cheap shot last week. Let. That. Fly.
  14. Yeah. They're playing dirty as fuck. Taking the cheap shots is their M.O. right now.
  15. Who's the cocksucker that wanted to see Quinn in street clothes by halftime?
  16. You don’t want a hand smashed burger with sauce?
  17. ESPN hyping Quinn as the leading Heisman candidate. Nice to be on the hype machine.
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