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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. That’s what made me think that. In some places there “can’t” be that many ferrel, else it would be all over the news about our new bacon overlords.
  2. Make them wish for the days of 49-0.
  3. Interesting. Might have to look at getting tickets for the series at misery.
  4. I know this was intended to be humorous, and is, but it’s also true. Now, moving onto other discussion. For the P4, yes, divisions are over for the most part from here on out. For these steaming piles of tv audiences, not so much. If the pac were to put 8 on the east and west, they could do division rr, plus 4 from other div, leaving one ooc. This reduces travel, helps their inventory going to market (11 conf games), and keeps a lot of regionally important matchups. They’ll need that, plus the 11 games, in order to have any semblance of a tv deal. It won’t be much, even when maximized, but it would be a little more than what they make now. They could go 9/9, but really they're going to struggle to get to 12, let alone 16-18. “After Dark” spots are limited already, see: b1g/b12/acc. In order to survive they will have to really think outside the box. You can’t force a P4 model onto a g6 conference. They just don’t have the budgets, and still won’t even if the tv deal is at its best. In the end, it doesn’t really matter. They’re going to at best be the “best of the rest”, and much national exposure will be limited. Only so many slots overall, and the consolidation at the top is taking most of those slots already.
  5. Sorry, not sorry. I’mma take a quick nap before dinner. Them pre-take off’s catchin up.
  6. While funny, I’m guessing those dots aren’t just ferrel pigs, but hog farms accounted for as well? Only way it makes sense.
  7. This. Please don’t use a click and post tool. Hell, I’ll freelance you whatever you want. Obviously won’t be a free point and click, but will be worth it in the long run.
  8. I do. Much better than something like the Smarters player flavors. It does put a uhf logo on screen, but you can get rid of that for like a buck or something trivial. I like it well enough to do that, and it goes through the apple in-app purchase stream, so ok there. It’s free, so try it out and see if you like it well enough. If so, ditch the OSL for cheap and carry on.
  9. Yes. Almost tried them, can’t recall why I didn’t. I ended up trying FuboBoxTV, using the uhf app on an appleTV. It’s fine. EPG for US channels is hit or miss, and I’m not editing most of a file to fix it. Got it as a trial run, use it mainly for sports not available locally. It’s fine, no buffering, but is about 2min behind traditional streams/outlets. Not a deal breaker, but careful around game threads if you’re spoiler sensitive. It isn’t as polished as a yttv setup, but the uhf app is pretty good. But that’s a means to an end, not the tv provider. I’ll probably keep it. It’s good enough for out of market games, and there’s international content I like that’s not available elsewhere. If you’re looking for traditional features like “dvr” and such, no dice.
  10. This has Joe Dirt 2 written all over it. Whatever. I’ve seen worse. Let er rip.
  11. Some y’all keep forgetting. Here’s a reminder:
  12. Does Howdy Doody have balls?
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