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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. That shit is bananas. (B-a-n-a-n-a-s)
  2. Of course we all have. It’s called the “teen years”.
  3. Better than feeling taco bell coming on.
  4. clean well, scuff sand, should be fine.
  5. Eat at your own peril. I ain’t touching it.
  6. Reminded me of the Klingon sisters.
  7. Well sure, on auto. Can’t they do it manually? I mean somebody suits up, undocks manually, and spacewalk back? It just sounded like boeing was more concerned with saving their capsule vice saving the astronauts they stranded.
  8. Hop in, undock, spacewalk? Who gives a fuck if it can navigate back on its own? We don’t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.
  9. I’m with Jeffé. I refuse to acknowledge any “best” list that doesn’t take their wimmens into account.
  10. Dammit. I knew my stash was a 1/4lb light.
  11. If Scottie can bring home the Cup in a few weeks, we may be witnessing one of the personally best overall seasons in golf.
  12. Hook ‘em, Scottie!!!!!!!
  13. I’ll do live resin carts, no problem. But they’re also full spectrum.
  14. thunderlounge


    High back, from my deck, as usual.
  15. I’d say the message from the networks is clear.
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