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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by thunderlounge

  1. Wait a minute, I’ve seen this movie before. They’ll do good next year, and Early will get about what, a $45M extension?
  2. $25 purchase from your preferred online retailer, and $15 to “rent” it. Seems to be doing better on the streaming front. Been at the top of the “top 10 watched/bought” lists on a lot of the retailers. Still no word about Part 2, or when filming will start for 3/4.
  3. At least that’s them waiting, and not you.
  4. Don’t they also do 3-months at a time, at a discount, as well? Been a minute since I looked at their stuff.
  5. Hulu’s live tv, if you already have disney, will save you some money with the bundle. Especially if you already bundle dis/hulu/espn+. I’ve been considering this move myself. I’d give up AMC to get History, which would be alright with me. If just sports as the focus, there’s sling’s orange package, that’s about $20 cheaper than yttv/hulu. Less channels overall, but not less sports channels.
  6. I know that shit first hand. Didn’t work, and mud-holed that guy next play. For a 7th grader, it was blissful vengeance.
  7. Yep. Not planned out worth a fuck, really.
  8. They weren’t at the castle, they were in the Sept. But, agree on why evacuate. Or at least why out the front fucking door and into the mob. Tunnels, how do they work? Surely their guard knew of them.
  9. Agreed. But it usually takes a week or so for it to pop back up after a kick to the index.
  10. Looks like random topics in feeds are slipping through the cracks again. Found 3 different threads that never popped up in my feed, but am following.
  11. Last two hit it. Oil would be my pick as well. Heat + chemical finish… can’t be good long term.
  12. I’ve wondered the same thing. Asked the wife the same question when they headed to the front. “Why aren’t they taking a tunnel?”
  13. Nice. Not running one currently. Running a smaller WD, 6TB total. They’ve been on my radar for a long time though. Don’t really need a complex setup for a nas, but need the space. All my vm’s and stuff are, or will be, on other servers. Although I might run a plex server on it. That part is still up in the air, but things change.
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