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Everything posted by deech

  1. Disney needs to put the entire Star Wars franchise in timeline mode where you can watch everything from beginning to end. So whenever a series finishes its episodes get put into the show in timeline order. So it would have all the great animated stuff sliced between the prequels and episode 4 etc. There are things that may not fit in perfectly. Like episodes of shows where there are flashbacks, etc.
  2. Just put Luthen and Saw and have them argue about the right way to rebel for ten episodes. The acting across the board had been exceptional. I am invested in so many characters now because I just want the actor or actress to get more screen time.
  3. SO now they want Stewart? I thought they were done with him with all his social media posting? I love the cheating accusations when they were the high bidder for the same player last year. LOL
  4. I leaned towards her not cheating before the 15K theft and no charges being pressed. Now I lean like 75%+ that she cheated.
  5. And with that I am betting on OU as the replacement for the backup always bites us on the ass.
  6. She's in the two seat and he's in the eight seat. More likely is RIp saw it and somehow signaled her.
  7. I guess defamation because he called the person a cheater in the tweet. Ultimately, his evidence is all the poker players who would never call there. She lied repeatedly after the fact. I don't think she cheated IMHO. After the fact I think she just lied to try to make her play make more sense than it did. But I don't think she ever sues him for defamation.
  8. Why? She chose to give him the money at the end. What is she going to sue him for? Breach of contract because he agreed to return to the stream after RIP went nuts? IMHO - one of the biggest things of note so far - RIP was backing her.
  9. American History X Glory Karate Kid Top Gun & TG - Maverick Back to the Future The last three more for fun than any important deeper life messages. Absolutely would include Band of Brothers in the list. Especially after Ryan.
  10. I like a lot of the list above. Didn't see anyone mention: Big Fish and My Life They hit on Father/Son relationships so it might be too direct a message for someone 14. LOL.
  11. I don't think college football fans appreciate the pure chaos that is going to happen next Spring after the Addison bullshit.
  12. Exactly what we wanted...bend don't break defense.. LOL LOL
  13. I swear - X may be the best player this team has ever had at WR. Ever. Every play he goes 100.
  14. I don't know that I want it, but if anyone has a link - first two didn't work for me
  15. You are not wrong. However, the WR room is completely different this time next year with Neyor, Hall, Cain and others that it was when we took Hall. That is before you consider the quality of the recruiting class coming in with Cook and others. I am not saying Stewart would not be a take. Just that it is a completely different room than when we took Hall.
  16. Three episodes in also. Like it as well and looking forward to it. He's a funny guy.
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