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Everything posted by deech

  1. Four definite accusers. Two more identified in the first criminal/civil lawsuit but they don't want to testify or press charges. Six total I believe. The maid alleges her kid was abused also, but she sold her account for money I presume. The first accuser paid $20 million+ to make sure his claims never make it into a criminal proceeding. Two accusers in the documentary admitted perjuring themselves in one or both of the underlying actions for various reasons. Jackson paid off the house for Robson's parents after he testified in the first trial. I guess this documentary is their big play for money after their lawsuit failed? I mean Robson was pretty accomplished/successful without it. Regardless, guy slept in the same bed with kids before and after serious allegations were made that cost him $20 million plus. On the other hand, the accusers in this show seemed to legitimately have a huge impact on their personal lives (Robson's relationship with his Mom rightfully souring, the other guys marriage falling apart and his reluctance to testify in Trial #2). So yeah, guilty as fuck.
  2. With Spring camp starting I think it's important to remind everyone that Chip Brown is a fraudulent cocksucker who has written blatant falsehoods about the school and its football team in an attempt to damage them.
  3. Trump doesn't even know what dimension he himself is operating let alone 4-D
  4. https://www.texasmonthly.com/politics/fire-fight/ Not sure but the fund for firefighters has been about 87% funded per this article which was considered healthy at the time per the article.
  5. He's been nothing but a petulant bitch and it is going to cost him the next election IMHO.
  6. They also collectively bargained their pension benefits, but that didn't stop the City from tying their pension benefits to that of the municipal workers and police officers via passing a bill in the last legislative session even though they were significantly better funded and nowhere near the desperation of the police officers and municipal workers.
  7. No one knows exactly what is going on with the negotiations, but Turner is coming across as a complete and total bitch hellbent on overturning the will of the voters with all this nonsense. To only hit the firefighters with a mass layoff proposal after refusing to swear in their Academy class while giving police officers a 4% raise in the last six months and swearing in their new Academy class is laughable.
  8. LOL. Seriously though thanks for the medical perspective from both of you. It helps immensely.
  9. Would that green helmet be sufficient protection for fall practice? Seriously though, it's great to see the kid getting back to being an 18 year old kid. While I am hopeful he can get his old life back and contribute to the team, it's good to know just how hard he probably is working along with his doctors to get back to good health.
  10. Sometimes your client is a fucking idiot. It's not Roger Stones' attorneys fault that Roger Stone is looney tunes.
  11. Next game free in Houston on Saturday against Houston Dash if anyone is interested.
  12. You didn't come her for normalcy did you?
  13. Guess it's time for the annual shit on Kate fest despite what she's done the last two years.
  14. LOL...do i believe their most recent guess or all their prior guesses which said that Evans was a NSD2 kid?
  15. I applaud the naivete of the student body in wanting the game and applaud the experience of the alumni in knowing better.
  16. I wonder if his attorneys get in some trouble here with his testimony and their knowing damn well most of it is bullshit.
  17. Not to mention that he went on Infowars immediately following the federal filing apology to say it was all a deep state non-story.
  18. This is fascinating. I don't recall who posted that Instagram post or who posted that image or who had access to my phone to do it when I pulled it down within an hour or two of it going up and I formally apologized in writing to the judge within eight hours after consultations with my attorneys.
  19. I missed the explanation behind Pogo as well.
  20. Legislative action?? LOL.......................Have you been paying any attention to the last two years?
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