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Everything posted by deech

  1. Wow - no surprise -- not a single person is caught on tape saying "Let's conspire to defraud the American public in the upcoming election" or "Hey - Treason? Sure - sounds great." There was never going to be a smoking gun. Obviously. In general, the legislature is spineless. They can't even pass a bill requesting the President allow the special counsel finish his investigation - so sure let's trust their most recent non-collusion conclusions. Putting aside the R-run Senate v. the D-run House, both are spineless. I guess I don't understand what more an American would need to see on this one? I mean the President has admitted to obstruction. He's done shit no President has ever done before in terms of walking into meetings with Putin/Russians without others. There are multiple references to setting up back-channel communications between the Russians and the campaign outside the realm of the US intelligence community. He actively on national TV asked for assistance to hack Hillary's emails. Throw in just about every person interviewed lying about: their meetings with Russians during the campaign, communications with Russians. The emails in the public domain about the Trump tower meeting with Don Jr. Throw in Trump and Cohen lying about how long the Trump tower discussions were ongoing about Trump Tower Moscow. Throw in the NRA/Butina side-show. Compare that to past foreign election interference in other countries by the Russians. Then see Trump's actions with NATO or long-term allies by comparison to Russia, his impact on Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russians, his pulling out of the battle against ISIS. I get that none of this matters or it all can be explained away because HIllary is the Devil, tax cuts, abortion is murder, anti-socialism.
  2. I agree. That's a great hearing idea as long as the context is kept out of the Mueller realm.
  3. I've said previously that anything covered in the Mueller investigation should be off-limits as Mueller completes his work. I would like to see hearings on: 1. Emolument violations 2. Saudi killing and US Support for the Saudi war in Yemen. 3. Trumps taxes - pre-election. I'd also make a huge show about: 1. The Recent elimination of regulations against Payday loan lenders. 2. Environmental regulation changes including Asbestos regulation changes and Methane reporting requirements.
  4. When did you get fatigued and not pay any attention to them anymore?
  5. How much oversight and public accountability are we getting today? My point was why is this the Dems first public shot under new house leadership? Aren't their better shots they should be taking like emoluments?? They can still have Whitaker in behind close doors and do an oversight/public accountability review. People are going to get fatigued with all these committees and hearings especially once Schiff ramps up.
  6. He hasn't taken any action really that impacted Mueller's investigation publicly. He's a fucking moron and this administration is littered with them. It's nothing new. A new AG gets confirmed soon. The system has been fucked up and on public display for at least the last ten years. No need to get up in arms about it now. I just think the Dems are just wasting everyone's time with this hearing and they need to have a laser like focus on destroying this administration.
  7. I don't understand the point of this hearing. He's a political hack and this is not have been the Dems first really public committee hearing IMHO.
  8. He has not. His lawyer is an Aggie though. Good lawyer also.
  9. Micheal Cohen recording incriminating conversations? The hell you say...LOL
  10. Can I be the person who refers to Chip Brown as a fraudulent cocksucker who fabricates stories that harm the program?
  11. Right, this country would never elect a candidate with a screw loose to be President.
  12. I believe the correct answer is hanging people for their treason.
  13. Cue an article from that fraudulent cocksucker Ketch citing anonymous sources about big money donors at UT in 3.........2.......1
  14. They all should be coaches on the field IMHO.
  15. Who knew we were going to get another ten pages in due to this Hisd signing day ceremony.
  16. So how many preferred walk ons do we have committed that you would rate higher than Mr. Slot WR last second desperate take?
  17. Dr. Strange already defeated him with the time stone before Thanos dusted him.
  18. Better than publishing a blatant lie or a story concocted from bullshit which detrimentally impacts recruiting or the team. Fat Ketch...please create all the lists you want in the world you fat fraudulent piece of shit.
  19. I was confident based on the Fuck A&M thing until FWK posted the horns on Twitter.
  20. I would say it depends in part on tourny v. cash. In a tourny, indicating you are going to check dark out of turn like that could be collusive especially if there are multiple people in the pot and/or someone is all-in. If it's a cash game, I don't know that I give a crap what someone says out of turn in position heads up. I believe he would be forced to check if it is checked to him as his verbal would be binding at that point. If it's a multi-way pot and someone else is all-in already or there are multiple people in the pot and some have acted and some haven't --- well then you are a dick and may get your ass kicked. LOL
  21. Any recruit they got to commit this weekend was going to be the one that shows everyone that Jimbo is still in charge in Texas. It did not matter who it was or where the kid was from. San Antonio kid? --- Oh another San Antonio kid just like last year and this one they desperately wanted from a school that always sends kids to UT. Dallas - Vodka Tom can't recruit DFW - it's Jimbo Territory. Austin - It must sting that the best recruit in their backyard belongs to Jimbo. It's no surprise that a CB would look at both depth charts and commit early to Aggie. Does it suck to lose a really good Texas kid? Sure. But it's Texas. On to the next kid or if we don't like the next kid on to someone out of state because the staff trust their evaluations and aren't scared.
  22. Get me Roger Stone on Netflix is a must see.
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