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Everything posted by deech

  1. There was a high likelihood that individuals would have been responsible for the judgment. I doubt it would get to Lenk/Colburn as Colburn only received the phone call long after the initial incarceration, but Sheriff Pagel (and a few others) were very likely on the path towards individual liability and the insurance company very likely declining coverage. On the second point regarding not knowing the impact, you don't have to be a civil litigator to understand that an Avery murder conviction would dramatically impact the underlying civil lawsuit. I mean a jury has to sit and here about how it was so terrible that a murderer was falsely incarcerated for a rape he did not commit. How much do you think they are going to award a murderer for being falsely incarcerated? That's if you look past the fact that he now has to pay attorneys to defend him in the criminal matter and/or deal with the Halbach's getting all of his money from any underlying civil matter. I agree with you that logically it doesn't make much sense - the grand police conspiracy. We can all agree though that the key was planted, right? We can also agree that the lab person should never, ever be told "We need you to put her in the trailer." We can also agree that legally the coroner for Manitowac County should have been brought in immediately upon finding bones in the burn pit and she should have been solely responsible for evidence collection related to the burn pit? We can also agree that the expert report related to the Dassey computer searches should have been provided to the defense? I also think that the State's theory in the case makes even less sense than the grand police conspiracy. The only piece of tremendous evidence against him is the blood in the car IMHO. I believe it's safe to say Zellner has undermined every other piece of evidence. So I think we are left with an incomplete picture of what happened because of the shit investigation performed. I blame the State for that and you think Occam's Razor - it's Avery. I'm not saying it's not Avery, just that they did such a horrible job that reasonable doubt he should be out. Side note, what is Avery's motive?
  2. It makes 0.0 sense that the campaign manager has to share internal poll data to earn the trust of someone he's worked for before to prove that he could pull some internal strings at a later date to pay off debt. He was the campaign chairman. I appreciate the attempt. It's just more than a stretch. It is a logical crock of shit and he should hang.
  3. Wasn't this the same complaints we hit Barnes with along with inept offense.
  4. Didn't miss by much. That play was donkey shit.
  5. Do we have something we do here other than Colman with the ball and try to dish?
  6. Chance to tie. 8.6 seconds. PG take the wheel.
  7. It's sick that is how he goes out. With that call with two minutes left after we tie them.
  8. I may have missed a game where they didn't put up a fight or quit, but in general - every game I've seen they fought until the bitter end. They may shoot like shit or the offense may be garbage, but the effort is usually there.
  9. So anyone play in any of the poker rooms in Houston? Thoughts on each?
  10. No one can come up with a non-collusive reason why Trump's campaign manager (Manafort) provided internal polling data to Russian foreign agents. No one can come up with a non-collusive reason why Trump's campaign manager (Manafort) provided internal polling data to Russian foreign agents. No one can come up with a non-collusive reason why Trump's campaign manager (Manafort) provided internal polling data to Russian foreign agents. I feel like this bears repeating. I have not even heard anyone on the right in the media attempt to spin it. The only quasi-defense/argument I've heard is an attempt to say it was just Manafort acting alone.
  11. LOL, I'll remember that the next time the feds want to interview me for some reason. No.
  12. I get that the Mueller report is going to struggle to live up to social media expectations. I get that it is going to be very, very difficult to link the President himself to each of the individual persons who worked for him or for the campaign. I get that the President will blame Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, and others and claim he himself has no knowledge of what these individuals were all doing on his behalf or on behalf of his campaign. I think the ABC white house correspondent is just playing the $9.95 game. He has no source from Mueller or his team. He's just reading the same tea leaves as anyone can read above. Again - Fozz - whomever - what is your justification for a campaign manager sharing internal polling data with a known Russian agent? There is none. Other than a conspiracy to help the President get elected.
  13. I feel like we have a good 40 pages of anti FWK hate in us if Shepard decommits. 1000 will be easy. Its going to be interesting to see what happens with catalon and then how this staff fills up with the transfer portal and grad transfers.
  14. I'm sure he's made other mistakes, but that is the first mistake I recall the guy making.
  15. This is the second level thinking that Sooner brings to these discussions that you really get nowhere else.
  16. I'm not in on the tourny result contest. I may go the entire year without playing a tourny assuming I can. Just straight cash games for me. Getting back on the horse after a bit of a hiatus. Off to a good start in session 1 and I am hoping i can keep it going. They play a hand of Omaha every time round the table so I know have about 20 lifetime Omaha hands under my belt. Never really liked the swings in variance that come with Omaha, but it's my regular game so I guess it's time to learn.
  17. Someone is going to have to explain to me a non-collusion spin or justification for a person's campaign chair sharing internal poll results with agents for a foreign power.
  18. There's always an uncle.
  19. Saban..... https://y.yarn.co/0aa38e3e-a221-46e5-994e-ac1d77cc6842.mp4?1546918409207
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