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Everything posted by Archer

  1. We’ve had a rough year and I’m only making it in a few times a month. I’m hoping to step up to 2-3 a week after summer. My ears were sore after my last class but luckily didn’t puff up. Triceps were all bruised because my partner kept grabbing skin instead of gi for arm drags.
  2. Here’s my haul from Bourbon country a couple weeks ago. For half the trip I was rationing my purchases with plans to fly home. upload
  3. Looks like a fun girl
  4. 7 hours and no one has made an ATM mom joke. This place is slipping.
  5. I keep buying small batches of gas stocks even though I know better
  6. Should have plenty of field opportunities in Midland/SE NM could try to go the service company route or get straight in with an operator. With all of the layoffs the past few years, office gigs may be tougher but would think Midland would be the best spot again.
  7. Where does he live? Willing to move? Office or field work?
  8. I’ve blown it out with a CO2 gun a couple times but haven’t ran a physical snake through it. Probably a good idea.
  9. Do you have a kill float switch in the drain pan under the coil in the attic? My drain pan fills a couple times a year and floats the switch and the compressor won’t kick on again until I drain it. I’ve never broke out the multimeter so I couldn’t tell you what the power is doing but anytime my AC acts up the float is the first thing I check.
  10. I’ve spent the past 3 days crying like a bitch between drinks so this hits close to home.
  11. Got damn gas drive reservoirs
  12. Like DCA said Texas should be safe unless the Feds step in with the EPA. If you were curious you could see if the current operator has done any FLIR surveys or go out and do them yourself. I probably wouldn’t until forced to...
  13. Here’s the article with the NM State Commissioner https://earthworks.org/media-releases/commissioner-garcia-richard-inspects-permian-pollution/ Another article from 2 days ago about the NM Govenor starting the reviews on methane https://www.edf.org/media/new-mexico-begins-effort-reduce-methane-pollution-and-waste It is a definite risk especially in the bluer states.
  14. Is this in the works or just a hypothetical? I haven't heard anything about this. I would say hypothetical currently but I could see it being pushed harder especially if the harder left takes control of the Democratic Party. There are already environmental groups taking NM state employees to wellsites with FLIR guns to show them the horrors of methan emissions. https://www.edf.org/media/report-new-mexicos-methane-problem-worsens-permian-production-soars
  15. As the oil goes through the pressure drops at each separation vessel lighter carbon chains will turn to gas. Once the oil hits the tanks it is exposed to the lowest pressure so the last bit of gas will release from the oil. This is what causes the shrinkages of oil volumes from well head to tank. The lighter the oil the more gases will flash out.
  16. How volatile is the oil? I see more problems with flash off the Oil tanks than from produced gas.
  17. My biggest concern as a small operator would be regulatory changes after 2020 on fugitive methane emissions causing expensive retrofits on existing facilities.
  18. Could mega shock the pool every couple days to keep chlorine levels through the roof and make it less enjoyable to be in.
  19. Post 102 has the link to the ATF.
  20. There is no loophole to sell a machine gun without a background check. It is a felony, period.
  21. They could but they would be committing a Federal felony and when the purchaser of the now unliscensed machine gun is caught they will have a Federal felony as well and both will probably end up in the Federal Bureau of Prisons system.
  22. You can not legally buy a machine gun from anyone without a lengthy and expensive background check. You can not legally buy parts to make a machine gun without a lengthy and expensive background check. Legally is the key word. You can buy anything illegally.
  23. Yes. A private party in your state can mail a rifle or shotgun directly to you based on you telling them it is legal for you to own.
  24. A private seller in VA could legally ship you a rifle or shotgun in VA. A FFL can not ship to you without a background check. Someone in NC could not legally ship directly to you in VA.
  25. You can legally ship a long gun to a resident of your state without a FFL. You cannot legally ship a handgun or ship out of state. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/may-nonlicensee-ship-firearm-through-us-postal-service
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