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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Archer

    NBA 2021-2022

    I’ve tried to explain that to my wife but she calls bullshit.
  2. Andy Stumpf’s podcast is my favorite listen right now, it’s interesting hearing him and other SEALs talk about the SDV guys and how much they did not want that assignment and how crazy they are. One of his guest the past couple weeks was SDV and it was a good episode
  3. Mega Backdoor Roth would be eliminated this year. The normal $6,000 rollover backdoor roth has 10 years until it would be eliminated.
  4. They evacuated everybody from the (Florida) Keys and everybody leaves except for one guy who’s gonna stay there and tie himself to a tree on the beach, to prove a point; and the point was, he said, that at 53 years of age, he was in good enough physical condition to withstand the wind and the rain of a force 3 hurricane. OK, let me explain something to ya: it isn’t thatthe wind is blowin’. It’s what the wind is blowin’. If you get hit with a Volvo, it doesn’t really matter how many sit-ups you did that morning. If you have a "Yield" sign in your spleen, joggin' don't really come into play. "I can run 25 miles without stopping." "You're bleedin'." "Shit!"
  5. 2-4% withdraw rate is a rule of thumb some people are using, 4% for shorter retirement (30 years) and 2% for longer. So if you want $100k/yr you’ll need $2.5-5M depending on how long you want the cash to last. This is a conservative view, maybe too conservative
  6. Test [img]https://i.ibb.co/pr1h2yV/4-D6-AD602-1-A06-4-C52-8400-1-A3364-CE2418.jpg[/img] I got the dumbs evidently
  7. https://instagram.com/jennwirth_?utm_medium=copy_link
  8. Nunes caught the ‘Rona and had to cancel her 8/7 fight.
  9. I’d say things are improving. NSFW or kids.
  10. South Africa didn’t want to be left out of the protest and riot games. The new president arrested the old president and kicked off widespread unrest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_South_Africa_unrest Civilians have taken up arms against the rioters as the police have told them they are on their own Videos are all over Twitter and YouTube Lady rocking the gauge Wild times
  11. I haven’t seen what you are referencing but it really bugged me that 30 years in the future in a SciFi world with time travel we were still using ARs, F22s and HUMVEEs.
  12. Be sure to wrap it up. STDs are on the rise for the over 55 crowd. https://www.everydayhealth.com/stds/rise-sharply-among-older-americans/
  13. I'm pretty sure exxon has done this forever. When I interviewed with them in 2005 they were upfront with the policy and explained the ranking system as part of my interview.
  14. The guy appears to have handcuffs behind his spare magazine. I’ve been around a couple folks who carry and none of them wear cuffs on their bat belt. I’m betting he’s either LEO or armed security somewhere.
  15. Starting to get some return on a few of my stocks need to decide who/when to cash out and if anyone gets a longer hold.
  16. Just read the whole thread after a buddy asked me what I knew about options yesterday (nothing). Every time I thought I started to get a base understanding you guys would say something else and I’d be lost again. I’ll have to start a paper account and play to try and learn a little. Selling covered call options: If I own a position I’m looking to exit at $X is there any reason (other than the upside risk if it pops hard) not to sell covered calls at the target exit price?
  17. Have you joined any of the Facebook groups yet? https://www.hcn.org/issues/53.1/south-economy-when-covid-hit-a-colorado-county-kicked-out-second-home-owners-they-hit-back
  18. I bet most of the technical teams get offers since Cabot has no Midcon or Delaware staff. Will any of them come is a different story.
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