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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Starting to get some return on a few of my stocks need to decide who/when to cash out and if anyone gets a longer hold.
  2. Just read the whole thread after a buddy asked me what I knew about options yesterday (nothing). Every time I thought I started to get a base understanding you guys would say something else and I’d be lost again. I’ll have to start a paper account and play to try and learn a little. Selling covered call options: If I own a position I’m looking to exit at $X is there any reason (other than the upside risk if it pops hard) not to sell covered calls at the target exit price?
  3. Have you joined any of the Facebook groups yet? https://www.hcn.org/issues/53.1/south-economy-when-covid-hit-a-colorado-county-kicked-out-second-home-owners-they-hit-back
  4. I bet most of the technical teams get offers since Cabot has no Midcon or Delaware staff. Will any of them come is a different story.
  5. I have the RT-340 and love it. It’s smaller and would be easier to move around but is probably more of a smoker than a grill.
  6. Watched it tonight. I had been super excited but saw the early reviews and was concerned. It was an acceptable action flick but they shouldn’t have played off of the WR title. It was so far from the book that I was mildly disinterested. I really wanted to see the decompression chamber scene on film.
  7. If you are left handed and AIWB wouldn’t your holster be at 11:00 to begin with? I’m right handed and run at 12:30-1:00. If you are really concerned with drawing in a car the key is to setup before you need to, move the seatbelt behind the pistol and under your cover garment. If you are alone or don’t care you can tuck the cover behind the pistol as well and then all you need to do is present the gun. There is a really good class in DFW over this material.
  8. What did you end up deciding to do?
  9. That HRT 1911 ended up selling for $6200.
  10. The problem with that pistol is the group that respects it is small and probably spends most of their money on training. I’d love to own it but don’t see much appreciation like you would with a 1st Gen SAA or a gun with documentation to Al Capone or someone
  11. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/897379670 In case anyone needs to flex with an unique 1911
  12. We got two Hue bulbs free from Amazon last year and put them in the master bedroom lamps. One was Bluetooth and one wasn’t. I’m not sure which one of the damn things it is but any type of power blink turns it on. Will be 3am and a storm will blow through with a 10 second power blip and the bulb lights up the room waking me up. Schedule is nice though.
  13. You can do it with an existing traditional IRA but the complication is all of your contributions are lumped together and there are tax implications. Let’s say you want to contribute $6000 after tax to an IRA that has $60000 in pretax contributions. When you convert the $6000 to a Roth you will be on the hook for taxes on 90% of the conversion since the government only recognizes you as having 10% after tax funds in the IRA. From my understanding even if you have separate IRAs at different brokerages they are all looked at as one by the IRS so you can’t open a new IRA for just after tax money.
  14. First brisket took about 2 times as long as expected but I learned that weight doesn’t matter as much as uniformity of the cut. I was half drunk from waiting so long for it to finish but it sure presented pretty.
  15. If I could get a comparable salary in a more stable industry with a similar quality of life I’d look really hard at making a move, and I love oil and gas. It’s been a beat down since 2016 I keep telling myself that the survivors at the end of this should be sitting pretty for a while but who really knows. I make a good salary but I have to live like I make half of it because I never know when I’ll be unemployed and outside of the oil industry don’t have much hope of replacing it. If I had some faith in the stability I could make some of the purchases I’d like but put off due to income concerns.
  16. I’m not sure what you are saying here but none of it is accurate. If you are referring to the 1994 AWB it expired in 2004 so that is 17 years. However “assault rifles” were never illegal. Certain features were banned during that 10 year time frame but any rifle without them remained legal to manufacture and purchase new from a FFL. The features that were banned were mainly cosmetic and scary looking and didn’t affect the mechanical function of the rifles. Colt has been selling AR-15s on the civilian market since 1964
  17. Too many unknowns to answer. Most people I know who leave trade money for security. Are you just taking a cut on your salary or are you walking away from thousands of shares of RSUs? Taking a bit of a haircut maybe worth not having a layoff every 6 months. Leaving $150k in stock that could be worth $300k in a couple years maybe not. I don’t think we have the wild days of the mid 2000s coming back with salary wars and giant signing bonuses. There are still too many unemployed who want back in the game. If you are happy with the offer, tired of the ups and downs, and aren’t walking away from an unvested fortune it might not be a bad move.
  18. Did my first cooks with the 340 this weekend. 5# of sliced pork belly, finished it for an hour in a blend of spicy bbq sauce and maple syrup. It was amazing. I did 2 racks of St. Louis ribs using 321. Unfortunately had my temp too high during the 3 so they only came out about a 7/10 but had the prettiest smoke ring. Being able to start a cook and leave the house was super nice. With the old MES I had to hang around to feed wood chips constantly.
  19. I sent it to a buddy on 1/21/21 so it’s been out a few weeks at least.
  20. I ended up ordering the 340 today. I waffled a million different directions and looked really hard at a vertical pellet smoker but couldn’t find anything that was reasonable price and size. The Pit Boss 4 at Lowe’s looked great but reviews are 50/50, you either get a winner or junk. Sounds like they would make it right but there was lots of back and forth with parts. RecTeq dropped a spring bundle today that was cheap enough I didn’t mind paying extra for their pellets.
  21. The MBA drinking game and submitting resumes to keep your job hit a little close to home and made me chuckle. Drinking game was the highlight of the show for me.
  22. I’ve been around Hardell Moore a couple times, he’s in his early 40s and still moves like a cat, watching him was impressive.
  23. Any one have any experience with Grilla grills? I was measuring out the RecTec today and my initial location will only work with the RT-340 which they are only offering with a pellet bundle now. A buddy has a Grilla likes it. The Grilla Grilla (dumb) would fit nicely in my spot and if I’m reading their site correctly I could add racks to get up to 630 sq in.
  24. Still employed so that’s a win. Now I’m waiting for the great thaw to make sure I don’t have any serious damage from this freeze. One of these days I will get my grill.
  25. I’ve said this before but I have a layoff coming in the next couple weeks. If they catch me this time I may bail. Not sure what the next play is but I’m not going to sit around for a couple years waiting for someone to start hiring.
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