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Everything posted by Archer

  1. I like his determination and persistence, you don’t see that kind of work ethic in kids these days.
  2. I knew one of the girls killed in the “Cathouse Murders”, she was a bit nerdy and awkward as a young girl. Don’t remember the last time I saw her though.
  3. This guy oilfields.
  4. My LinkedIn has been a bloodbath, lots of tenured people saying they have been let go. My wife is considering voluntarily leaving the industry to diversify our income streams. Hasn’t decided but seems to be leaning that way. Would be nice if it wasn’t the worst job market since the ‘30s.
  5. I took small nibbles on several on those list today so I am sure they will crash during earnings next week.
  6. Yes. Underground salt caverns https://www.energy.gov/fe/services/petroleum-reserves/strategic-petroleum-reserve
  7. Get an Assault Bike and crush your soul, once a week I’m doing 15 second sprints and I want to die.
  8. That was the 320
  9. Very dependent on the rock, I’ve seen some that will pop right back on trend and others that are permanently damaged. Ive heard some discussion that if people don’t want to DUC wells of completing them flowing back the load to get to res conditions and then SI.
  10. I’m actually a worker bee cog in the wheel, at one point I had dreams of a small fleet of stripper wells but not sure how feasible that is anymore. I do have several good buddies that are small operators and OBO companies so I get to see their trials and tribulations. My Pioneer anger goes back a few months before their latest proration pleas.
  11. Man, fuck Pioneer. Those assholes (CEO) have done several things lately that have pissed me off. I get that they are trying to talk shit to get a stock bump but are trying to cut everyone else’s throat to do it.
  12. Article on RRC recycling in Marcellus. I remembered seeing it in a feed a while back and dug it up. They claim to have been using recycling for a decade but are still having to supplement with fresh. Specifically point out the differences in TX and PA SWDs https://www.hartenergy.com/exclusives/early-adoption-water-recycling-186064
  13. That’s a fair question, what I am seeing is nearly 100% is using produced water, but I can admit that I may have some blinders on. I’ve been in a couple data rooms in the past year and even the PE backed sellers are designing their infrastructure and putting in recycle pits to enable produced water reuse. In full transparency they were using water wells to prove their acreage but they weren’t and probably won’t be to a development level that supports actually reusing water. They are using it as a carot for the buyers who do care about it.
  14. Almost every major player is reusing produced water for fracs either 100% produced or blended with some fresh water. It’s a green/green solution
  15. It depends on how you look at it, by well count you're correct that most wells are not going to be profitable at $20. On a production basis I bet a lot more is profitable than thought with the decline rates of the big shale rates and how much they produce early time. At $20 40%+ of my wells are losing but 98% of my production is profitable. Mix of strippers and horizontals
  16. Politics. Gotta stick it to big oil... “Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a letter to senators Wednesday Democrats had eliminated from the legislation a, “$3 billion bailout for big oil.”
  17. That’s some old school oilfield shit.
  18. Simple question but how good are their oil purchasing/transport contracts? Is it on pipe or truck? I see a lot more trucking shut down with pipes still flowing. That could change as more production has to come off line. A buddy just had all of his oil purchasing contracts canceled so his crude isn’t moving. We have a X bbl purchase commitment with one of our pipelines so we’re still flowing, of course they could claim Force Majeure and cancel all of the commitments tomorrow.
  19. I think I’m tracking the question but if not sorry. I was recently informed we do not have to actually produce the volumes we have hedged to receive the hedged amounts. I’ve never gotten deep into hedges so this was news to me. If their hedges are set up the same way they could DUC the wells and still receive the net benefit of the hedges. Unfortunately that is about all I know on the topic
  20. I told my wife I wasn’t drinking today, you assholes keep making jokes like this and I’m going to have to renege on my word.
  21. Our shit ass luck is gas goes to $4.00 over the summer, the public hates Trump even more because of gas prices, Biden has a medical issue and is replaced by Bernie, Bernie wins in a landslide and thinks it’s a referendum on him and the first thing he does is ban fracing and drilling on Fed land just as the industry starts to recover. That would be our luck. Not to get too CR
  22. We are fairly similar but don’t use quite my full salary. Major downer is not only O&G in the dumpster but I have a hospitality side hustle investment that could very well go tits up too with all of the SiP orders.
  23. I regularly tell my wife that we can not live the lifestyle that my income would normally allow because there is no stability in it. If I was a doctor or something that didn’t live in fear of a crash every day sure we could buy that new house or take the big trips but we should probably live like I make ⅓-½ of what I really do. We still live a great life but nowhere near what someone would expect at our AGI.
  24. Refinery I work with is cutting capacity 25% next week
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