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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. in for David Schweikart from Better Call Saul.
  2. I believe that was The Outer Limits. The world's most trite show sure booked the best guest stars.
  3. That's got to be like 80% of all adaptations.
  4. Had my first Cinnabon in 20 several years and my first blue bell mint chocolate chip ever. I will admit that I didn't know to use utensils on the former. This show is the gift that keeps on giving.
  5. Fatties, Amish, fake boobs are bad people Walk in discount clinics.
  6. Back when the IMDB was cool, it was my favorite trivia section.
  7. White Noise 2 is weird because Starbuck is the female lead. Except she's not playing herself, she's just the leading lady.
  8. So what happens if someone runs down the entire sideline in bounds, while holding the ball over the sideline out of bounds? Is the ball placed at the 1 inch line? Did the entire run not count?
  9. You might as well play the major bowls and then have a 4 team playoff or championship game. Interestingly the Sugar Bowl is probably the same matchup, SEC Champ UGA vs BUG#2 Ohio State. Rose Bowl is Michigan vs Utah. TCU probably hosts Bama in the Cotton. Orange Bowl is the same matchup without a Big8. Don't know about the Fiesta, probably a fun matchup between USC and Penn State. TCU would lose and UGA would play Michigan for the championship next week, or a playoff among the 4 winners.
  10. At Michigan maybe. Harbaugh is continuing the tradition of B0 Schembeckler and Fritz Daimler-Chrysler by extolling the winning of the conference after losing the bowl game. The quirky difference is that JH has lost the Orange (2) and Fiesta while somehow dodging the Rose. TCU is the 2010 co-champion.
  11. This is why I opted the playoff. Going 11-1 with a loss to your rival ( at home) should get you an at large bowl berth at best.
  12. So the court ruled that any Texas University can break a contract and say Sue us, oh right you can't. ?
  13. You make me feel like a heel. I mean it's one thing to hear that Harry Morgan had been alive 30 years after you'd guess he died, and we could have awkwardly asked the caretaker to shake his hand, maybe. But now I'm learning that anyone could approach Leach and get him for 5 to 45 minutes.
  14. Did they ever figure out what happened with Chris Benoit; wikipedia being the first to report his death? Praying for Mike Leach tonight.
  15. So they lost to a better team than you did. They have done it twice already and the talent has not spread out at all. Why would this be any different? Did basketball move towards parity with their covid-like spread of the tournament?
  16. The first season was like shampoo. The point was for each year to show how the sports story fit into the rest of the world. For me it is The U. I knew about the football team of course. But I did not about how it related to Miami Vice, the riots, 2 live crew, and Thaddeus Foote. I hated the Canes, and still hope the U loses every game for the next 100 years, but I walked out respecting them.
  17. I think we all know that TCU would get destroyed by UGA but anOSU has the talent.
  18. It's a war on the expression 'institutional fit.' But really, success would be winning 8 games and the FSU job opens up.
  19. The question is how does ESPN rig it to show the um/OSU rematch?
  20. Your source told you that Mike Norvell was being consulted on their conference move?
  21. That was like the last Star Wars, more of a graduation ceremony than a story.
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