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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Or while hiding in shopping mall. It's funny how no one seems to remember what Mike did in BCS S1. on the Jimmy courtroom thing it is just one of tropes. Plenty of times we see a character make a noble self sacrifice while thinking there were other options...
  2. The Kim angle was implausible, even for G&G. Saul goes through all of that dog and pony show just to not save Kim from a civil suit that wouldn't be worth a dime anyway. Kim for herself resigns from the State Bar so she can eventually white knight for the poor by becoming a volunteer receptionist. Unless it's a long game to launch the next series.
  3. There was one clump in the middle but it was just the one. But Saul didn't save her from jail, he saved her from . . . a civil lawsuit that could in ten years send a debt collector to a state with the world's strongest homestead law. IT was the best episode of the season and a top finale in general. But G&G just can't help themselves with an implausible angle. OH and they are both alive. The BCS After Years are coming.
  4. Why does his U Samoa degree say "Saul Goodman" if he didn't use the name until after he was a lawyer.
  5. I can't believe it's really over. I mean the show has already ended in much of Asia.
  6. The sovereign is not immune to another sovereign. In fact the Supreme Court can hear the case.
  7. Yeah, there are a ton of canadians in that show
  8. Sandra Holt and Kim turn in Saul in one final con.
  9. Since 2016 we have seen so many exceptions that it is hardly seems to be a rule.
  10. It is such a PITA that they makes us piece together the timeline on the internet because it is critically important to understanding what is going on. The Battlestar Galactica II finale gets a B+, but the resulting fanboy tears wrecked the curve.
  11. Because there were fewer schools to the West connected by rail? It took about 3 days to ride to Southern Cal and they only stopped for one practice in Arizona. And the existing Western schools had some problems in the area of media coverage, gate share, and jackanapes.
  12. I don't know how else you can hear that. In my dreams We would be committed to independence, football excellence, Playing only Saturday, rejecting meaningless bowls, on grass, with no adzillatron, only the band and crowd, flanked by the real Irish Guard in a normal looking stadium overlooked by our Lady and TD Jesus, Playing the best opponents we can schedule and lots of independents, without kiss-cams, Miami's smoke, flowers, the alma-mater buzzkill wearing helmets that actually look gold. Yeah too bad we were too busy monitoring the landscape to save it.
  13. Now I'm confused about Saul's debut in BB. If Lalo&Nacho had recently disappeared then Saul can pretend he doesn't know they are gone to the two masked men. If it has been four years then he uses different names.
  14. So are we to take it Kim fled to Florida long before the events of BB? And "it was Lalo not me" was years after Lalo's death?
  15. Slow Pony here; but last weekend FNC said they could not confirm reports that Anne Heche was behaving erratically.
  16. Your plan makes sense. I believe that is the way it is now in OOC play.
  17. Was there a crime? I guess she could be indicted for lying by omission to the police but that might be a bit too opaque for tv.
  18. - Kim confessing and then asking for readmission to the Bar would be the most G&G thing ever, especially after they grant it due to her moving speech. - Kim has been portrayed behind bars all season, Gene has been protrayed as dead, somewhat heavy handedly. There is still one episode for all of that to happen. But,
  19. Do you think a game in South Bend could pseudo-qualify as a BUG game for night time slot? i.e. SC plays at ND, it has been a night game for the last decade. Under the new deal NBC keeps it there on the grounds that it features a BUG team. That *should* mean that nothing is going to happen. ND like everyone else keeps her big moves secret until they are leaked and/or finalized.
  20. He's never been violent though, he's a pussy who talks other people into doing things for him. Color episodes > opaque b&w
  21. I probably don't have to tell you how a large share of Irish fans would appreciate an end to night games, and no standing allowed. One thing I don't quite get. We went from 'FOX owns the BUG' to a buffet table shared with two of their competitors?
  22. ND 'went' independent for the same reason the USA left the Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere Why didn't all of the Horns and Aggies in Houston watch their team play Cougs?
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