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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Because he went Robin Hood for his non-drug clients whereas he was consigliere for his drug clients!? He got better lines in BCS because it is his own show and he has to be a character people follow.
  2. You won't find it in the casebook, it's just a hypothetical.
  3. That's the $64 million dollar question. Texas for example wants the benefits of beating Tech and SMU but not paying them a conference share. The fans have always cared as long as the B schools played in the same league as the blue bloods. Teams like 6-6 Oregon State could fill a stadium because they know they get: regular visits from USC, an annual game against their rival Oregon, and a major Bowl once a generation. Under the NFL-Lite model, that is all gone because the big boys left and were corralled into super conferences. So why would the fans of the University of Arizona pay attention at all? The media take over of the sport has removed everything they used to play for?
  4. - Jimmy never really broke bad because he started out bad. - Mike killed two cops in the S1 flashback that predates BCS, so ditto.
  5. I don't know what to think about the homogenization of tactics. I cannot see that Wisconsin will try to become USC just because they play in the same dumb conference. But I do think fans of Oregon State, and Houston will stop caring about college football once they figure out they are now in the junior version of the USFL.
  6. I don't think we are done with Kim yet. They kept portraying her behind bars but maybe it will be Jimmy seeing her for the last time through bars. Although they are still married. Are conjugal visits really a thing? So Marion cannot turn out to be Mrs Wexler?
  7. At least cop-killer Mike went to a different time zone before getting a job where he would be seen by every cop, lawyer, and judge.
  8. You know who is watching? The team that scored 6.
  9. The point is to transform college football into a beta-NFL. The schools that finish up in the 'conference' that is actually a league will greatly profit.
  10. Way back when fans floated the idea that The Walking Dead takes place in the Breaking Bad universe.
  11. She heard the voice of Ursula saying "time to beam up"
  12. I now understand that a 10 minute scene on wine was appropriate and necessary. "fanboys"
  13. When the ND-Big12 flirtation was occurring in 2012, ND AD Savvy Jack Swarbrick spoke to Dodds, not whoever was Big12 Commissioner. That should answer all your questions on why the other schools did not like Texas.
  14. All that they had to do was launch the new Nebraska-A&M rivalry so everyone in the love triangle would play each other annually. Bonus if they held a contest for early 1990s Shaggy to design the trophy. I don't know that it guarantees peace in our time though. Texas has always looked around when times are hard.
  15. The law of BCS is what Chuck stated in his final dialogue. You [Saul] destroy anyone you contact. Marion invited the devil into her kitchen and the son got into crime so both must ruin.
  16. I saw that episode. It reminded me what CFB was like when it happened. Specifically, the BUG was an exclusive club that had admitted two members in the previous 50 years. While many gave up independence, no blue blood have ever given up its traditional kingdom to become a vassal in another, other/unless Arkansas.
  17. It doesn't have a great track record. The PAC lasted 100 years but the Big12 did not. I can't tell you about bringing a case but I can see that everything that is happening is undeniably anti-competitive behavior.
  18. So we take it that no one can add the Pac NW schools because they will never sign a contract while the bright BUG dangles in the distance? It won't last. either the BUG evolves into the NFC or there is another merry go round.
  19. the episode declared itself nonbinary.
  20. I meant to follow my last asterisk: did the LA schools keep their plans secret from the Rose Bowl committee? Isn't that committee stocked with boosters who would have had to know??
  21. They just Buggered the last taboo by taking two remote schools on an island, one of which has zero history and sketchy fan support.* So it is not far fetched to imagine they suddenly announced that Ga Tech and Miami are joining the BUG. Or anyone south of the mason dixon not named Wake Forest. Maybe the SEC is just fine with them having overlapping markets, maybe not.
  22. Since we spent 12 years in an ongoing discussion about media markets and recruiting footprints I will say 'Yes, it matters.'
  23. A larger share has just a poor memory. Seems like somebody has never spent time around old people. Spoiler alert, they do the same thing at the same time every day.
  24. Seems to me that we're playing Risk. The SEC cannot destroy the ACC and keep the BUG out of the South. That would require the SEC to take 8 schools. Therefore the SEC's choices are keep the ACC together or get used to seeing Ohio State play in Florida.
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