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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Except that Howard wanted to hire them back and they refused.
  2. The only intersection between the lawyer and drug plots was Saul, and later Kim when Jimmy took her into it. Kim somehow had not even talked to Mike except to pay for parking. That is why I say the cartel will be Kim's undoing. I am wondering if Saul&Kim are allowed to testify against Lalo because he is their client. I think so since they are not revealing his testimony. But I doubt anyone is concerned with the code of ethics at this point.
  3. with Mad Max as coach. We are currently unhappy with A&M too as Fisher is 'recruiting' our top QB target.
  4. It might be network policy., AMC did the same thing with the walking dead; a character you can't name just died so the show is on pause for 3 months. The same goes for riding the best actor to prop up a driveway paced plot. A Tony Dalton, Stephen Oog, or Jeffrey Dean Morgan just knows that nothing is happening and he can chew up the scenery for a few eps.
  5. Why is Lalo in Germany when he can just go to the restaurant and kill Gus?
  6. The scene where they run into the museum to dig out the fighters is my favorite moment of that decade.
  7. No one expected D-Day to start when it dead because of bad weather. Ike surprised everyone by saying something like "Let's go," probably gentler then how Kim ended the episode.
  8. This doesn't have to be the case, unless G&G thinks it has to be the case. Saul doesn't have to know that Nacho and Lalo are dead. Saul is being held at gunpoint by two masked goons. Saul doesn't know if they know that Nacho and Lalo are dead. Saul may know they are dead but is leading the goons to think he is unaware. Saul didn't exactly know why they took him in the desert but may want to make them think he's involved with someone else. Oh and in a pre-BCS interview, Odenkirk said the thing about Saul is that he tries any line to convince the other person. If it doesn't work Saul tries something else, even if it contradicts what he just said. Howard's woman is played by Sandra or Sandrine Holt. She is one of my favorite Candian journeywomen as she keeps showing up in those magnificent scifi/horror pieces. The actor who plays Howard is also I believe from up north.
  9. But pulled the trigger on a big move.
  10. 5 posts without Biden tells me it would be disallowed.
  11. I always assume Jimmy/Kim have a psychic radar to figure out what happened even when they weren't present. But is this the exception? I don't think so the way Jimmy was smirking in that scene.
  12. Could it be that Jimmy doesn't actually know that Chuck did himself in?
  13. Arthur so greatly revered the Round Table that he built his castle around it.
  14. I could not watch the baskeball scenes, too much motion sickness.
  15. What is he doing there at all? It's pretty hard to get prosecutors disbarred, they basically have to conceal evidence and convict the wrong guy. But Howard isn't one of those. Nowadays he can get in front of an ethics panel for telling insensitive jokes.
  16. Kinda like Saul going on the lam and working where 500 people see him daily? There's another plot weakness bothering me with the cold shoulder court staff. The court knows that Guzman was really Lalo and that Jimmy posted millions in bail. The court thinks that Lalo is dead. and that Lalo is an awful man who deserved it. and now they get to pocket the bail money. So now they are all mad at Saul for seemingly getting rid of the scumbag at a hefty profit for the state?
  17. you mean drug gangs aren't actually run by Hollywood's target demographic?
  18. In another epoch, someone was deemed a representative of the university because she paid $25 to join a fan club that held a monthly breakfast, at a diner where that $25 would feed 5 people.
  19. always a ranch in Monument valley. A ranch without animals or water.
  20. I am quite annoyed we don't get a warmup period while SC rebuilds, even Pete Carrol lost his first game vs Boob Davies. But now SC gets a LA Lakers like staff complete with a star QB who 'knows the system.'
  21. Russia was only one battle away from taking Kiev.
  22. I trust the NCAA, to search for a solution, and decide to fight shady deals by removing transparency 🥷 the answer is not to ban the money boosters from speaking to the athlete (or to pretend that is even possible) it is to require that the contracts be published so all parties can be responsible.
  23. It looks like there are some compelling civil suits for things such as 'tortious interference in contract.'
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