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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. It got a little confusing with two zombie SWAT teams in the same episode, but overall it is much less dumb than 3 seasons ago. Woodbury > Commonwealth >>> Saviors
  2. And ruins the college event, because now the bowl game must be moved into the NFL stadium to justify the cost.
  3. I did not know who directed HGWMV until this week. That is worth at least a rabbit punch.
  4. Sally Kellerman and Gary Lockwood are in one of the best Star Trek TOS episodes, before they became famous. I think it was a metaphor for drugs but I'll have to yield to a more experienced opinion. In each case I was surprised to hear they had died because I didn't think they were alive.
  5. The structural advantage that anOSU has over the BUG10 is 80 years old. They have 'failed' coaches who lost only two games a year. Not too many other situations are similar, maybe Texas in back in the SWC.
  6. You want quotable? Pretty much all of his lines. You're thinking like a white man. You're not thinking at all.
  7. Pretty sure the "shock the nation" tour was in 1990, maybe 91 We beat those 90 Canes in South Bend in a ho hum game that has been purged from history. Well it's every third season since St Lou got 'retired.' Ohio State is the only reason this thread is not about Michigan. The Buckeyes usually stop Michigan at the end of the year, in the way John McKay's Trojans often ended Irish NC dreams in the even numbered years; for odd numbered years the rivalry is played @ND in October.
  8. Guess we have to work through St Patty's Day.
  9. When it's on tv I drop in for the courtroom scenes. I often forget how many other subplots that film has. Who remembers the pool game angle?
  10. I'm thinking that it is time to pitch prequels. Better Call Andrea The Tiger King Ezekiel
  11. The Walking Dead Finale Part II I believe this is the 2nd of a 3-part season. For those who haven't kept up. They have time jumped into the future where Mon Motha and the stormtroopers have rebuilt civilization. That frees up time to debate labor rights, healthcare rationing, fake girlfriends, and inter tribal politics with the occasional mandatory zombie scene.
  12. I'm here because I did my monthly facebook check. Absolutely no one on my feed is talking about the SOTU. Not even the ADHD politards.
  13. Vince learned it from the fake competitor known as ECW.
  14. Grown up Jon Voight is one of my favorite actors. But I needed the internet to find out it was he.
  15. I saw [finally] Midnight Cowboy on Friday and The Warriors on Sat. One film was very graphic while the other had great cinematography. I was surprised which was which.
  16. Maybe Strong is a strong coordinator who got Peter Principled?
  17. Oh that old thing? If an allied tree falls in the forest... NBC having some more real sports is about 20 years overdue. As long as they understand there will be no consolidation.
  18. Al Golden confirmed as ND's unconfirmed DC.
  19. A while ago I thought anyone who could get Iowa State bowl eligible must be a coaching savant.
  20. Seems like the U Miami job is always open or about to open.
  21. New ND RB coach reportedly passed on the NYGs. and has yet to pass through the campus bookstore.
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