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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Franklin to SC and Fickle to PSU makes sense. So it probably won't happen.
  2. 14 pt win with 21 points worth of drops.
  3. We played at some typical schools and the AD decided we needed a typical Adzillatron.
  4. Both of those embeds would get you a contract extension at 95% of the D1 schools.
  5. Did the classic Broyles-Royal duels have final scores of like 14-10? Texas:Arkansas as Arkansas:Arkansas St Know Rivalry Not a big surprise, the entire old SWC has a one way rivalry with Texas https://knowrivalry.com/team/longhorns-texas-97/
  6. Sorry Arky, it's not Brett's fault the Pats pay slave wages.
  7. I said it way back when. The Falkland Island Neers showed that that Big12 was unsustainable. I was somewhat surprised to read articles about how ND was pulling out of Florida to focus on Georgia.
  8. I bet Michigan wishes streaming was a thing in 2008 https://www.espn.com/college-football/game/_/gameId/282850130
  9. IMO UCF was a mistake. There is barely kinda sorta geographic community in the Big12 which could helped with a Colorado State or a Memphis. It reminds me of how UCF played one year in the MAC. It an arrangement designed to fail.
  10. Someone in our fandom made the point in re: tuck rule. If QB Milton is trying to tuck it and threw a forward pass then it should be intentional grounding.
  11. How did Temple get on that list? They must have hired the guy who snuck BC through the ACC backdoor.
  12. Boise: We're not who we thought we were.
  13. Targeting is just a way of saying ND made a hard hit.
  14. That's what all oral contracts are worth.
  15. This could work. I always thought 5 ACC games was too many. With ND counting as an ACC team they would likely take 1 or 2 of them and rotate through PAC and BUG teams. And while I'm happy to see even less of Cousin Oliver College, eventually the ACC teams will notice they are swapping out ND for Utah.
  16. Vegas is like Hawaii without beaches and mountains.
  17. Did the OK schools pledge to play an annual Bedlam game or just keep it something like how OU plays Tulsa? 9 conf games + 1 OOC rival + semi-mandatory body bag game does not leave much room in the schedule. in the PAC you would halve the college football audience in those states by cutting the sister school. Not something good for the long term especially in a region that already struggles to garner CFB interest.
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