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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Unanimous means the scope of the decision is very narrow. This issue seems to have been delineated with a laser. But the writing is on the wall, and everyone knew it was coming.
  2. If an employee gets disabled on the job then his employer+insurance co is on the hook for the rest of that worker's life.
  3. At this point nobody's is disputing Dr Anderson's guilt, and his life can't be ruined much since it's already over. What is in dispute is "B0 Knew" and therefore 'The Michigan Taxpayer Owes Me Big Money.'
  4. H&I needs some more variety on Sunday afternoon. Untouchables is not for binge watching.
  5. Yeah and if they want to be strictly business than you recalculate a contract that wasn't quite completed. I understand why they don't want to appear to be doing that. They might change their tune if someone opts out of a bowl game that is now technically a playoff game. Especially if said someone is already being compensated for his cough cough name image and likeness. Yeah I have been saying since 2014 that the expanded playoff means that any ND team with a pulse will stumble into it. I'll go further and say that a few of our #15ish teams would find their way to #12 if real tv ratings and dollars were on the line. Right now the CFP's Rankings below #6 is purely academic. I really don't want to be rewarded for our mostly-predictable foul ups in florida. Or rather, the appropriate reward for an B grade 2-loss season is a berth in the Folger's Sleep-Through-It bowl. I want ND to build teams that compete with the top teams and not collect ribbons of participation.
  6. I wonder how the opt-outs would respond to a proportional reduction in their scholarship. Presumably they are heading to the NFL where they will make plenty per week. But back on topic, 'Savvy Jack Swarbrick' could easily have undone all the good work he did as AD with this BS arrangement. He apparently designed a system that relegates his school to G5 status.
  7. I DGAF about B0 or Mitch Album, but getting upset that either one expressed an ounce of rational thinking makes all sports fans look dumb[er]. Just turn it so B0's looking the other way.
  8. Well the Big12 CCG is hardly the first time someone dumbed down the season for a money grab.
  9. You aren't the least bit skeptical of the man who waited until the other parties were all dead before coming forward to sue for millions? Even if not it's pretty bad to blame others for thinking.
  10. The same way they ruined 100 year old rivalries and diluted the bowls.
  11. That's his job as a journalist, even a sports writer. They absolutely should face the strongest skepticism.
  12. There was one year that FSU was playing a sub-.500 GTech in the ACCG and the Noles won by like 5 points. If I felt like doing homework I'd seek out all the barely passable NFL teams that were structured into the playoffs.
  13. What problem is this expansion 'solution' trying to solve?
  14. Which great game of B0 were they going to show?
  15. The problem is when a football coach hears "The doctor touched me" he thinks No shit, that's his job. I said basically the same thing in the Nassar scandal. You would have to have another Doctor spying on the perp to distinguish between molestation and examination. And to set that up you have to already know it's happening.
  16. Well that's actually one reason why the NCAA shouldn't have invented jurisdiction to sanction PSU. Now every time there is a perv scandal, the NCAA feels they need to sanction a football team or risk looking like they condone it. Or they can just stick with their usual reputation for scape goating certain institutions. There's almost no way to catch a doctor perv without scrutiny from another medical professional. Instead of asking "when did some person claim he told the coach?" Ask what was he hearing at the time? what did it look like was happening?
  17. you think we have it easy now? Just wait for our playoff berth any season we can avoid finishing 13th.
  18. Hey bUM already got an 85 year ban on undisputed national titles. Like that other statue: don't remove it, just have it covered up for 30 years.
  19. Ask you friends in the neighborhood about me, they'll tell you I know how to return a favor.
  20. The problem with all these knock offs is that they sell a lesser version of the same thing. The only one that actually competes is college football. That's because CFB is not selling you that these are the best football players in the world.
  21. I don't think your current yoga-teflon unis can actually attach particles.
  22. Yes I don't know how these leagues get fixated on the points in time where people don't watch them or football in general. Right now a league of undrafted players would be competitive with the NBA finals and in a few weeks would outdraw MLB.
  23. My Day at the Rose Bowl (ndnation.com) It became somewhat of a meme on one of ND's oldest fan sites. 6. For the coin toss they have former Texas and Michigan legends Darrel Royal and Bo Schembechler come out. The Michigan crowd wails like they have seen the face of God, unaware that Bo's coaching achievements are the equivalent of having your cow win the Okeemos County 4H ribbon for ten consecutive years but never making it past the second-round milking qualifier at the state championship. Guy in front of me: "There goes a real coach." Me: "Yeah, I wonder if Royal is going to show Bo one of his National Championship rings."
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